about me

Professsional Summary

Skilled in Electrical Engineering, Renewable energy systems and Machine Learning-Data analysis and Data Visulaization. Strong consulting professional with PhD degree focused in Electrical & Computer Engineering - SFU. Demonstrated academic rigor, passion for sustainability in engineering practice and commitment to academic standards. Excellent verbal/written communication and presentation skills and a demonstrated competency to interact with clients, colleagues and leadership. Well-developed leadership and mentoring skills; solid diversity, equity and inclusion orientation. Experience in developing course curriculum as per accreditation and international standards. Demonstrated ability to integrate technology into the learning environment and teaching methodology.

Professional Memberships


Joined the American University (AUM) as assistant professor in Feb. 2014. I have taught several Electrical Engineering courses and supervised many capstone projects. Two years later, Khalifa university EBTIC center offered me a research fellowship for three month. After that, an offer from Higher college of technology (HCT) was received to teach Electrical Engineering courses in a multi-culture environment. After two years of working with HCT, I was assigned as division chair of the Engineering department and then appointed to lead the Engineering division.

I worked with the Project Managment Institute (PMI) to embed the Certified Associate Project Management (CAPM) certificate into the project management course syllabus of our engineering program (This certificate is a landmark of the project management capability for engineers and offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). I also worked with the National Instrument (NI) to embed the Certified LabView Associate Developer (CLAD) certificate into the sophomore design engineering course. As a result of this work, students who pass these courses are qualified for the certification and also two agreements were signed between (HCT, NI) and (HCT, PMI) to serve this purpose.

During my work as a program academic chair, I developed a hybrid syllabus model for the Electrical Engineering courses. The model has been used for both the curriculum development and ABET accreditation application and therefore, our Engineering program was ABET accredited till 2022.

In addition, I organized national and international Engineering Competetions(Capstone project for the 4th year engineering students, Design Thinking in Technology for 1st year engineering students and World skills Asia). I also organized engineering workshops and cofrenerces (ASET 2018 conference, National instrument-LabView workshop, Matlab engineering workshop, printed circuit board workshop, LabVolt power distribution workshop and many others)