Spatial Design: The Jubilee Church

A Case Study

The Team

  • Graphic Design: Nikki Anankitrajkul
  • Video and modeling: Nora Ning
  • Material testing and modeling: Eleanour Mou
  • Prototyping: Jordan Yep

The Project

Research the work of Richard Meier to understand his values and show those values in your design decisions in a poster and model of his building.

My Contributions

  • Research: synthesizing values; connect to form
  • Copywriting: clear, concise and consistent
  • Material Testing: experimental iterations
  • Prototyping: explore solutions


The result of research and brainstorming is a culminative poster.

To show the values, it was important to synthesize the research.

Research and synthesis was accomplished by expanding and contracting our process iteratively, we included: diverse brainstorming, plenty of post-its, and numerous whiteboards.

The result is a mapping of the connections from the architect's values to his form.

Communicating these findings with an instense attention to the copywriting completed the poster.

A graphic designed poster that shows the results of the research and synthesis process to clearly communicate values and form.


On the Jubilee Church Case Study

As the video shows, the major deliverable of the research and teamwork was a scaled model of the Jubilee Church in Rome. Spending hundreds of hours of physical labour, we learned about materials, prototyping in an attempt to capture the form. Committed to a representation that showed the values of Meier, our final form at scale was full of light and true to the basic geometry of the circle and square used in the creation of this transcendant space.