In this work we created a library of ground truth template data with manual segmentation labels for 16 subcortical structures in brain MRI data from children at 8-years of age.
Dimensionality Reduction of Cortical Thickness Measurements
Neural atrophy patterns in the cerebral cortex are closely correlated to noticeable cognition decline due to Alzheimer's disease. These patters of thinning can be analyzed by processing structural magnetic resonance images. Freesurfer software is used to automatically segment white and gray matter in the brain, label the cortical and subcortical regions, register all of the brains to a common template, perform cortical thickness parcellation and thickness map smoothing. Approximately 300,000 cortical thickness measurements are computed from the whole cortex of every patient. This data has dimension equal to the number of thickness measurements taken on each patient. In order to visualize this high-dimensional data and find features related to Alzheimer's disease we must reduce the dimensionality. We present a method for dimensionality reduction, consisting of anatomically subdividing the brain into patitions and performing principal component analysis to identify a small subset of the original variables that contain the most information about the variance in the data.
Figure 1. Pipeline of Dimensionality Reduction of Cortical Thickness Measurements Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of Patches of the Brain Generated by K-Means Clustering of Freesurfer (FS) Labels
Retinal Layer Segmentation
Retinal OCT
Retina is a layered tissue structure of neurons and synapses inside the eye that detect and process visual information. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images the retina in-vivo with high-resolution, 3D visualization.
Retinal morphology is essentially related to function, as the tissue degradation in diseases such as glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) leads to loss of vision that is often irrevocable.
Retinal Layer Segmentation
Segmentation of retinal layers is a necessary step before quantitative shape analysis. Challenges to accurate segmentation include various imaging artefact and inconsistencies such as shadowing caused by intraretinal vasculature.
We use a robust graph-cut based algorithm that yields smooth and consistent layer boundary segmentation. The effect of imaging artefact and structural inconsistencies is mitigated by the three-dimensinoal nature of the algorithm in which the continuity of the segmented surface enforces correct delineation even for the edges with poor contrast.
S. Lee, N. Fallah, F. Forooghian, A. Ko, K. Pakzad-Vaezi, A. B. Merkur, A. W. Kirker, D. A. Albiani, M. Young, M. V. Sarunic, M. F. Beg, “Comparative analysis of repeatability of manual and automated choroidal thickness measurements in non-neovascular age-related macular gegeneration,” Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 54(4), 2864-71 (2013)
S. Lee, M. F. Beg, M. V. Sarunic, “Segmentation of the macular choroid in OCT images acquired at 830 nm and 1060 nm,” European Conference in Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, 2013
Optic Nerve Head Morphometrics
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world with irrevocable loss of vision due to damaged retinal cells. The main risk factor in glaucoma is increase intraocular pressure (IOP), and it has been suggested that structural degradation in the optic nerve head (ONH) region due to IOP is a critical event in the progression of the disease.
Optic Nerve Head
Optic nerve head (ONH) is the region in the posterior section of the eye where the retinal nerve fibers exit the globe toward the visual cortex of the brain. The axons are subject to various mechanical tensions and torsions, and a function of the ONH is to provide mechanical support for the axons in the presence of the IOP and cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSF).
ONH Morphometrics
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) enables in-vivo, 3D imaging of the ONH. The morphology of the ONH is an important indication of the structural change it goes through under various conditions, including glaucoma. In order to take full advantage of the rich information in 3D OCT, and perform comprehnsive quantitative shape analysis, an automated and robust morphometrics framework is required.
To understand the combined effect of glaucoma, myopia, and aging on the ONH, we imaged glaucoma patients and healthy controls with varying degrees of myopia and in different age groups. The acquired images were enhanced, segmented for key structures such as the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), choroid, and Bruch's membrane opening (BMO), and measurements including the layer thickness, degree of surface bowing, and BMO dimension were made automatically. Mutliple regression was used to identify correlation between the shape parameters and the independent variables of age, degree of myopia, and severity of glaucoma.
S. Lee, S. Han, M. Young, M. V. Sarunic, M. F. Beg, P. J. Mackenzie, "Optic nerve head peripapillary morphometrics in myopic glaucoma," Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 55(7):4378-93, 2014.
Retinal Surface Registration
Comparing multiple retinas
The challenge in quantifying the shape difference between two or more retinas from either a single subject (longitudinal) or multiple subjects (cross-sectional) is to establish anatomical correspondence between the retinas. The conventional approach is to define certain regions ("sectors") based on anatomical landmarks, scale, and orientation, but this often does not take into account individual variability among the subjects, and measurement values must be averaged over the regions with small, local changes becoming "averaged out" and not easily detectable.
Pointwise matching of retinal surfaces
Our exact registration of a target retinal surface to a template retinal surface occurs in two stages: first, the surfaces are brought into close geometrical proximity by representing the surfaces as mathematical currents, and using the associated reproducing kernel Hilbert space norm to define and minimize the distance measure between the surfaces. This is followed by spherical demons registration which yields point-to-point correspondence between the surfaces.
S. Lee, E. Lebed, M. Sarunic, M. F. Beg, "Exact Surface Registration of Retinal Surfaces from 3D Optical Coherence Tomography Images," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Accepted for publication (2014)
Image Registration and Segmentation
Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) framework for computational anatomy.
Key paper:
Beg, M. F., Miller, M. I., Trouvé, A., & Younes, L. (2005). Computing large deformation metric mappings via geodesic flows of diffeomorphisms. International journal of computer vision, 61(2), 139-157.
Image Acquisition
TB Cam
An automated, low cost data acquisition system designed for deployment in impoverished nations, the TB Cam is intended to automate many aspects of diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) which are currently performed manually in many parts of the world. Designed to be a rugged, portable device, it is capable of performing automated 2D raster scans of a single microscope slide while also handling automatic focus control and safety control to prevent damaging slides while under analysis. Coupled with the ability to rapidly acquire dozens of images in seconds and then stitching them together for analysis and counting the number of bacteria detected, this device has the potential to become an extremely useful tool for reducing lead time on diagnosing potential TB patients. The final device also incorporates a touchscreen and simple UI for ease-of-use and direct control of the microscope slide positioning if manual control is desired.
Starting from humble beginnings as a prototype made from simple DSP/PLC chips and LEGO, the current design now uses aluminum t-slot extrusions and an AmScope microscope plus mechnical stage for the mechanical portion of the design, and a combination of a RaspBerry PI Model-B micro PC and custom hardware for motor control and analog to digital conversion (ADC). Work is currently underway to further drive down material costs through the use of 3D printing mechnical parts for the overall design, allowing for a complete turnkey solution for production and assembly of a complete, low cost device unimpeded by royalty fees or licensing constraints.
Quality Check Visualizations
Here we present the visualizations for the quality control of the processed data within our pipelines for the segmentation, registration and feature extraction tasks. Each link opens a new .pdf file presenting the corresponding processed data for all the subjects used in a particular study for which the publication is provided as well.