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STAT 380 Lecture 24


Monte Carlo computation of expected value:

To compute tex2html_wrap_inline69 : do experiment n times to generate n independent observations all with same distribution as X.

Get tex2html_wrap_inline77 .



as an estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline69

To estimate tex2html_wrap_inline83 : use same tex2html_wrap_inline85 and compute


Random Number Generation

In practice: random quantities are not used.

Use: pseudo-random uniform random numbers.

They ``behave like'' iid Uniform(0,1) variables.

Many, many generators. One standard kind: linear congruential generators.

Start with tex2html_wrap_inline89 an integer in range tex2html_wrap_inline91 . Compute


Here the mod means compute the remainder after division by m.

Integers a and b are chosen so that



as Uniform(0,1) random numbers.

General Random Variables

We now pretend we can generate tex2html_wrap_inline113 which are iid Uniform(0,1).

Monte Carlo methods for generating a sample:

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Richard Lockhart
Monday November 27 16:14:57 PST 2000