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STAT 330 Lecture 25

Reading for Today's Lecture: 11.1, 11.2.

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

Two Factor Experimental Designs

Experimental Goal: Understand the effects of two factors [like sex, diet, catalyst type] each with 2 or more levels [M/F, low fat/high fibre, none/platinum/charcoal] on a response variable X [blood pressure, yield of a production process, part hardness].


Completely Randomized Design: experimental units are assigned at random to one of the possible pairs of levels of the two factors.

3 seed types, 4 fertilizer varieties. Experimental units (Fields) are assigned at random to one of the 12 possible seed type / fertilizer combinations.

Design tex2html_wrap_inline143 :
Only 12 experimental units: 1 experimental unit assigned to each treatment combination.

Design tex2html_wrap_inline145 :
Have 12K experimental units and assign (randomly) K experimental units to each treatment combination. This is called replication; we are said to have K replicates.

Randomized Blocks Design: A Blocking Factor is one for which the experimenter is unable to assign an experimental unit to a level of her/his choice.


Origin of Terms
: Growing wheat or corn or etc.

This is called a Randomized (Complete) Block Design; each treatment occurs in each block.

Incomplete Block Designs: Blocks are too small to try all treatments in a single block. Example:

[Notice extra factors such as location on car (front/rear, left/right) or type of car.]

Analysis of Completely Randomized Designs and Randomized Complete Blocks

Written in the form of model equations:

K=1; no replication:


where tex2html_wrap_inline157 labels levels of the first factor (which has I levels) and tex2html_wrap_inline161 labels the J levels of the second factor.

is the (main) effect of the tex2html_wrap_inline167 treatment level of the first factor.

is the (main) effect of the tex2html_wrap_inline171 treatment level of the second factor.

are the (true or underlying) errors or residuals.

that the tex2html_wrap_inline173 are independently sampled from a tex2html_wrap_inline177 population.

K>1; K replicates:


where tex2html_wrap_inline157 labels levels of the first factor (which has I levels), tex2html_wrap_inline161 labels the J levels of the second factor and tex2html_wrap_inline193 labels the K replicates.

is called an ``interaction''. It can only be examined when there are replicates. It is assumed, often incorrectly to be absent when no replicates are available.

Interpretation of Interaction

No interaction tex2html_wrap_inline199 all tex2html_wrap_inline201 tex2html_wrap_inline199 effect of drug is same for Men and Women.

Effects are called additive when there are no interactions.

Interpretation of tex2html_wrap_inline165 , tex2html_wrap_inline169 and tex2html_wrap_inline209

Hypothetical Means:

Treatment Control
Men 120 130 1
Women 105 115 2
1 2

tex2html_wrap_inline211 , tex2html_wrap_inline213 and so on.

We have the equations:


Notice: there are 5 unknowns, 4 equations and infinitely many solution. The usual way out is to pick one particular solution such as:


In our hypothetical example:


The usual way we describe this is to say that we impose the conditions:


(But our explicit definition shows these restrictions are automatic and lead to measurable parameters.)

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Richard Lockhart
Wed Mar 4 09:00:42 PST 1998