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STAT 330 Lecture 10

Reading for Today's Lecture: 9.1, 9.2, 9.4

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

Theorem: If

  1. X and Y populations normal
  2. X and Y samples independent
  3. tex2html_wrap_inline135


  1. displaymath137

    has exactly a standard normal distribution.

  2. displaymath139

    has a t distribution on m+n-2 degrees of freedom.

Example: Hypertension data as before but assume m=10 (treatment) and n=15 (control). Then


which works out to 331.52 so that tex2html_wrap_inline151 .

Now get


and, from t tables with 9+14=23 df we get a (one-sided) P value of about 10% which is mild evidence against the null hypothesis of no treatment effect.

A confidence interval for the effect of the treatment is


which works out to




Two Proportions

Example 1: two independent surveys, one of 400 in Quebec and 625 in the rest of Canada find 65% and 75% support for Capital Punishment respectively.

Example 2: two groups of patients, on of 30 receives placebo and other of 30 receives new pain killer as treatment for headache. In the control group 12 report a decrease in pain while 18 in the treatment report a decrease in pain.

Model: X has a Binomial tex2html_wrap_inline165 distribution and Y has a Binomial tex2html_wrap_inline169 distribution. X and Y are independent.

In the examples we observe X=240 and Y=468 (for experiment 1) and X=12 and Y=18 (for experiment 2).

The model applies to the following situation:

Natural estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline193 is


where tex2html_wrap_inline197 and tex2html_wrap_inline199 .

Properties of tex2html_wrap_inline201 :

This leads to the following confidence intervals:


To compute the estimated standard error we just replace each tex2html_wrap_inline217 with the obvious estimate:


In our survey example we get


which works out to


for a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the true levels of support in the two regions.

Hypothesis Tests

The only null hypothesis which is at all common is tex2html_wrap_inline225 the corresponding usual test statistic is


Crucial Point: The null hypothesis specifies tex2html_wrap_inline229 . We use the notation p for this common value of the two probabilities. We can then use the assumption that tex2html_wrap_inline233 is true to get a better estimate of p, namely:


which becomes


In our example we had tex2html_wrap_inline241 and Y=468 and get




which leads to a miniscule P value and the clear conclusion that the support for CP is definitely lower in Quebec than in the rest of Canada.

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Richard Lockhart
Fri Jan 23 00:00:34 PST 1998