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Lecture 17: Monte Carlo Method

The following C source code is a working example of the Monte Carlo method, applied to the problem of calculating Pi.

The principle of the code is as follows: we consider the unit square with diagonally opposite vertices at (0,0) and (1,1). We scatter points in that square at random, and count the number that fall into the positive quadrant of the unit circle. The ratio of this number to the total number of points approximates Pi/4.

        int   i, j;
        float pi, piEst, realI, realJ, xSquared, ySquared;
        double  x,y;
        FILE *outdata;

   pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0);

   if ((outdata=fopen("monty3","w")) == NULL)
            printf("failed to open the write file\n");

        j = 0;

        for (i=1; i<= 1000000; i++)
                 x = drand48();
                 y = drand48();

                 xSquared = x * x;
                 ySquared = y * y;

                 if  ((xSquared + ySquared) < 1.0)j++;

                 realI = i;
                 realJ = j;

                 piEst = 4.0 * realJ/realI;

                 if (i%1000==0)fprintf(outdata,"%d %f  %f \n",i,pi,piEst);

You can copy this code to your own machine; to run it, you may need to replace the calls to srand48 and drand48 with a call to your local random-number generator.

To apply this method to an economics problem, you would replace x and y with inflation rate, selling price, or other variables. The current version of the code will give you a random distribution of values between 0 and 1, which will probably not match the possible values of the variables. If the actual range for selling price of a product is $4.00 to $6.00, the expression

price = 4.00 + 2 * drand48();

will give you a uniform distribution of prices over this range. But what if you know that the distribution is not uniform, as it probably isn't? This can be handled by approximating the probability function with a histogram, and mapping the interval (0,1) to the cumulative value of the histogram. Thus, for example, if there is a 10% probability that the price will be in the range ($4.00, 4.50), you can use the expression

if (0 < drand48() < 0.1) price = $4.25

and so on for the rest of the range.

Other Applications

The Monte Carlo method has applications to many other areas of engineering. For example, it has been used to simulate the turbulent combustion of a diesel engine spray injection; the spray and the compressed air are represented as made up of a large number of `packets', each of which has a weighted chance of mixing with another packet of fuel, air, or burned gases. Many runs of this model give a reasonable approximation to actual performance.

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John Jones
Fri Aug 2 10:38:23 PDT 2008