

Department of Economics

Simon Fraser University

West Mall Centre

8888 University Drive

Burnaby, BC


Office: WMC 3639





"A Nonparametric Approach for Studying Teacher Impacts” (with Jiaying Gu and Robert McMillan), 2023. Link: NBER Working Paper 27094. Revise & Resubmit at Review of Economic Studies.

"School Choice, Competition, and Aggregate School Quality" (with Uros Petronijevic and John Singleton), 2023Link: NBER Working Paper 31328. Revise & Resubmit at Economic Journal.

"Public Education and Intergenerational Housing Wealth Effects" (with James Graham and Angela Zheng). 2023. Link: NBER Working Paper 31345.

"The Effects of Public Housing on Children: Evidence from Colombia" (with Adriana Camacho, Valentina Duque, and Fabio Sanchez), 2022. Link: NBER Working Paper 30090.

"Making Teaching Last: Long- and Short-Run Value-Added" (with Nolan Pope), 2021. Link: NBER Working Paper 29555.

"Education Reform in General Equilibrium: Evidence from California's Class Size Reduction" (with Hugh Macartney and Robert McMillan), 2018. Link: NBER Working Paper 24191. Media Coverage: Chalkbeat, The 74

"School Accountability and the Dynamics of Human Capital Formation," 2018. 

PUBLICATIONS (and accepted)

The Effect of the Prior Teacher on Value-Added (with Odhrain McCarthy)
Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming).
Working Paper Link: Ed Working Paper 21-354.

Focused Interventions and Test Score Fade-Out (with Jeffrey Penney)

Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming).

Working Paper Link: Ed Working Paper 21-444

Air Filters, Pollution, and Student Achievement

Journal of Human Resources (Forthcoming).

Working Paper Link: Ed Working Paper 20-188. Media Coverage: Vox, Guardian, Daily Mail, India Times, Fast Company

JUE Insight: Air Pollution and Student Performance in the U.S. (with Angela Zheng) 

Journal of Urban Economics 143 (2024), 103686.
Working Paper Link: NBER Working Paper 30061.

Coal Use, Air Pollution and Student Performance (with Valentina Duque)

Journal of Public Economics 213 (2022), 104712. 

Working Paper Link: Ed Working Paper 20-251

Horizontal Differentiation and the Policy Effect of Charter Schools (with Uros Petronijevic and John Singleton)

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13, no. 3 (2021): 239-76.  

Working Paper Link: Ed Working Paper 19-80. Media Coverage: Futurity, Chalkbeat.

A Method for Disentangling Multiple Treatments from a Regression Discontinuity Design

Journal of Labor Economics 38, no. 4 (2020): 1267-1311. 

Media Coverage: Chalkbeat, Education World


"Using Item Response Data to Better Represent and Understand Student Learning" (with Jesse Bruhn, Jens Ludwig and Sendhil Mullainathan).

"Neighbors" (with Adriana Camacho, Valentina Duque, and Fabio Sanchez).

"It Takes Time: The Asymmetric Impacts of Imposing and Removing a Teacher Incentive Scheme" (with Uros Petronijevic and Nolan Pope).

"Public School Responses to Class Size Caps" (with Robert McMillan).

Resting Papers

"Centralized or Decentralized Funding? The Case of Title I," 2016.