Course coordinator and/or instructor
Athabasca University
- COMP 688 Software Testing and Quality Assurance (Fall 2009, Summer 2010))
- COMP 610 Selected Topics in Software Engineering (Summer 2007, Winter 2008, Fall 2008, Summer 2009)
- COMP 603, Analysis, Modeling, and Design (Summer 2007)
- COMP 601 Survey of Computing and Information Systems (2007)
- COMP 466 Advanced Technologies for Web-Based Systems
- COMP 418 Distributed Database Systems and Database Tuning (2009)
- COMP 361 Systems Analysis and Design (2007 - 2009)
- COMP 308 Java for Programmers (2007 - 2009)
Military Academy of Serbia
- Object oriented programming and modeling - C++ & UML (Fall 2002, Fall 2003)
- Architecture and organization of computers (Spring 2003)
- Expert systems (Spring 2003, Spring 2004)
- Basics of computer engineering (1/2 Fall 2003, 1/4 Fall 2004)
Teaching assistant
Military Academy of Serbia
- Basics of computer engineering (Fall 2000, Fall 2001, Spring 2004)
- Expert systems (Spring 2001, Spring 2002, Spring 2003)
- Architecture and organization of computers (Spring 2002)
- Informatics (Spring 2001, Fall 2001)
- Object oriented programming and modeling - C++ & UML (Spring 2002)
University of Belgrade
- Intelligent computing technologies (Spring 2004)
Professional courses
- Course on Object oriented programming in C++ (teaching assistant), The Omega school, Belgrade, Serbia (November 2002)