Our Working Waterfront 1945-2015: Museum Exhibition

Credit: Test
Credit: New Westminster Museum and Archives

The exhibition Our Working Waterfront 1945-2015 explored the diversity of work along the New Westminster waterfront, past and present. The exhibit ran from July 9 to October 27, 2015 in the New Westminster Museum. In order the reveal the complex interconnections of waterfront work, the exhibit consciously integrated oral history interview quotes, never before exhibited historic photos, and a range of artefacts. The diverse forms of work ranged from shipbuilding, longshore work, food service, sawmills, cultural institutions, to tug boating.

The main themes illuminated in the exhibition were: what is and was waterfront work, who works/worked along the waterfront, and what do/did they do. It also took up important questions about how the waterfront has changed over time, the reasons for these changes, and implications for the future.

Click on the tabs to the left to view the exhibit text and some of the images.

Credit: New Westminster Museum and Archives

Thank you to our exhibition sponsors! The exhibition made four years of research accessible to the public. The final product had significant support from waterfront industries, and we are grateful.