Research Projects
By applying SFU's leading sustainability and climate research to the university's own infrastructure and facilities, the Living Lab program tests innovative solutions that can be applied and scaled anywhere in the world.
Through 2020-2022, teams of staff, faculty and graduate students were invited to submit innovative, creative and solution-based proposals that support the implementation of SFU’s Sustainability Plan. Successful applicants were awarded up to $12,500 in funding to realize their proposals.
2022 Research Projects
2021 Research Projects
2022 Scholars
2021 Scholars
Partners & Advisory Committee Members
The Living Lab was led by SFU Sustainability and funded by the Office of the Vice-President, Research and International (VPRI), Office of the Vice-President Finance and Administration (VPFA) and Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS).
Living Lab Advisory Committee Members
- Anil Hira (professor, Department of Political Science)
- Dan Cooper (associate director, buildings and grounds, Facilities)
- David Zandvliet (professor, Faculty of Education)
- Gretchen Ferguson (director, global engagement, SFU International)
- Gordon McTaggart-Cowan (associate professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering) [Term 1]
- John Clague (professor emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences)
- Lupin Battersby (knowledge mobilization officer)
- Maya Gislason (associate professor, Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Nastenka Calle Delgado (SFU program manager, PICS)
- Nelly Leo (executive director, Embark Sustainability)
- Shaheen Nanji (executive director, SFU International)
- Sid Mehta (senior director, Ancillary Services)
- Simon Ford (academic director, undergraduate minor; senior lecturer, innovation and entrepreneurship, Beedie School of Business)
- Zafar Adeel (professor of professional practice, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering)
Learn more
For more on the Living Lab, please contact Kilim Park (