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Graduate Students

This section contains senate-approved information related to Financial Aid and Awards only. For complete information, visit

Graduate students are eligible for a variety of financial assistance programs including entrance or continuing scholarships, graduate fellowships, awards, bursaries, work-study and government issued student financial assistance and grants.

  • Scholarships and fellowships recognize outstanding academic achievements
  • Awards generally acknowledge outstanding achievements or community contributions
  • Bursaries are awarded on the basis of a demonstrated financial need
  • Work-Study provides part-time opportunities to earn a supplemental income
  • Government student financial assistance is awarded on the basis of a demonstrated financial need by the student’s province or territory of residence. Students are automatically considered for any grants that they may be eligible for upon application for assistance. A grant is funding that a student is not normally required to repay.

Other sources of income are teaching assistantships (TAs) and research assistantships (RAs) which are available in most departments. Applications should be directed to the chair of the appropriate graduate program committee in the intended department.

All graduate scholarship and financial assistance programs are administered by one of two university units. Merit-based graduate scholarships and awards are administered by Graduate Studies,

Generally, graduate financial needs-based programs, including bursaries, the Work-Study program, and government issued student financial assistance, are administered by Financial Aid and Awards, Student Services, Maggie Benston Student Services Centre, telephone 778.782.6930, or email

Categories of Graduate Scholarships, Awards, Bursaries and Loans

Various sources of funding, including scholarships and awards are available and administered through the Graduate Studies office, while some awards, bursaries and student loans are managed by the Financial Aid and Awards office.

The following awards are administered by Graduate Studies:

  • convocation medals
  • Indigenous and major entrance scholarships
  • internal and donor funded awards
  • tri-agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) and government awards
  • external and additional awards

The following financial assistance is administered by Financial Aid and Awards, Student Services:

  • bursaries administered by the university
  • bursaries for all students
  • Canadian government issued student financial assistance and U.S. Federal Direct Loans

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General Information and Regulations

The following regulations apply generally to all financial assistance administered by the university.

  • Students are encouraged to plan well in advance as many deadlines occur between four to 12 months before the funds are granted.
  • It is the responsibility of applicant to know the deadlines, eligibility criteria and to complete the application with all required documentation. Late and/or incomplete applications may be rejected.
  • All internal and donor scholarships and awards are made on the recommendation of the Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SGAAC); once announced, decisions are final.
  • Values may vary, depending on availability of funds and interest earned on scholarship, award and bursary endowment accounts. The university reserves the right to withhold award payments when funds are being donated by individuals or organizations but have not yet been received.
  • The university reserves the right to refrain from making an award if, in its review of applicants, none of them meet the terms specified.

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The following awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. Further information is available from Graduate Studies.

Convocation Medals

Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medals

Terms of reference: A silver medal has been established for at least one graduating graduate student from each faculty. The dean of the respective faculty will recommend (a) student(s) who has achieved the highest level of academic excellence in their graduate program.

The criteria for selection of special awards are quality of work, cumulative grade point average (CGPA), and timeliness of completion of the degree. All recommendations are to be forwarded to Graduate Studies in April every year.

Governor General’s Gold Medal

Terms of reference: The Governor General’s gold medals will be awarded to students who achieve the highest academic standing in their master’s or doctoral degree programs. The two students selected will be from different faculties. One will be awarded to the top student in the social sciences/humanities area and the other to the top student in the sciences.

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Indigenous and Major Entrance Scholarships

Indigenous and major entrance scholarships are by departmental nomination only. Students applying for admission to a graduate program at Simon Fraser University are encouraged to use the Funding Information section of the admission application to declare their interest in, and/or be matched with entrance scholarships.

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Internal and Donor Funded Awards

Internal and donor funded awards are listed on the Graduate Studies website by eligible department. Any award values are approximate and a list of actual award values is published in the spring each year. Donor awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. Internal and donor funded awards are applied for and managed on the Graduate Awards System, managed by Graduate Studies.

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Tri-agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) and Government Awards

Tri-agency and government awards are funded through provincial or federal sources. The application processes may differ, but in most cases, students use the granting agency application or application system. In some cases, SFU handles the adjudication process and in some cases SFU only handles the award payment.

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External and Additional Awards

In most cases, students apply directly to the agency, following their instructions and deadlines. The Graduate Studies website lists external funding agencies by research area and lists general information only. Students may want to consider subscribing to agency websites to receive information about funding opportunities.

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The following regulations govern all university, private and endowed bursaries over which the university has jurisdiction.

  • Bursaries are a supplemental source of funding for students in high financial need. Students are expected to find their primary funding through other sources such as government student loan or grant programs, part-time work, savings, family, etc.
  • Students must have a demonstrated financial need.
  • Both undergraduate and graduate students, domestic (Canadian) and international, are eligible unless otherwise indicated.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled for residence credit in an approved full-time program for the term of application. Students who do not enroll or subsequently change to on-leave or part-time status may have their awards cancelled.
  • The student must apply using the Simon Fraser University online bursary/work-study application form via the Student Information System ( It is the student’s responsibility to meet applicable deadlines and supply all required documentation. Incomplete applications may be rejected.
  • Unless otherwise stated, bursaries are tenable only at Simon Fraser University.
  • Funds will be credited to the successful student’s account with the university. Outstanding debts to the university will be deducted from the bursary funds before a cheque for the credit balance is issued.
  • Bursaries are tenable only for the term indicated on the notice and may not be deferred. Students who do not enroll in the term for which the bursary is granted forfeit the award. To be considered for bursaries in future terms of enrollment, students must reapply.

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Work-Study Program

The following regulations apply to participate in the Work-Study Program.

  • Students must have a demonstrated financial need.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students, both domestic (Canadian) and international, are eligible to apply.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled for residence credit in an approved full-time program for the term of application.
  • The student must apply using the Simon Fraser University online work-study application form via the Student Information System ( It is the student's responsibility to meet applicable deadlines and supply all required documentation. Incomplete applications may be rejected.

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Student Emergency Loan Fund

The following regulations govern all loans for continuing students over which the university has jurisdiction.

  • Short term emergency loans are available to students who urgently need money while awaiting receipt of other sources of funding.
  • Emergency loans are not available to cover outstanding fees owed to the university.
  • Students must have a demonstrated financial need and a secured source of repayment.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled for residence credit in an approved full-time program.
  • Students must meet with a Financial Aid and Awards Advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to supply all requested documentation. Incomplete applications may be rejected.
  • Simon Fraser University issued emergency loans are tenable only at Simon Fraser University and only for the term indicated on the notice. Non-payment of emergency loans by the agreed upon deadline may prevent enrollment in future terms.

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