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Undergraduate Admission

Undergraduate Admission

Simon Fraser University welcomes applications from Canadian and International students. All new students must apply for and be granted admission to the university. An admission offer and acceptance is required before students may enroll in courses for academic credit.

Deadlines to apply for admission to the university:

Detailed, complete and current information on undergraduate admission requirements: In addition, check faculty, school and program listings in this Calendar.

The current fee for applying for admission or readmission is $84.25 for domestic students and $130.00 for international students. This fee is non-refundable.

An advising service is available for potential applicants. Call University Admissions at 778.782.6930 for an appointment.

When eligible applicants exceed the number that can be accommodated, the Simon Fraser University reserves the right to select from among the qualified applicants.

All Applicants

Admission requirements are extracted from the more complete regulations approved by senate. Interpretation of regulations rests with the senate committee on undergraduate studies. The university reserves the right to reject or accept any applicant.

All percentages are based on a pass mark of 50%. For schools and colleges operating on a pass mark other than 50%, the percentage required for admission is adjusted. Applicants for off-campus and distance education programs must follow the same application procedures and meet the same requirements as regular on-campus students.

Minimum Admission Requirements

Secondary School Applicants

The minimum admission average will vary depending on the number of applications received, and on spaces available. This minimum is determined by the respective faculty, but in no case will be less than 67%.

Post-Secondary Transfer Applicants

Applicants in good standing at recognized universities and colleges may be considered for admission upon successful completion of 24 units of transferable course work with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (or 60%). Meeting this minimum grade point average does not, however, guarantee admission because the average required for admission to most programs is higher. Some programs, faculties, and schools have specific course prerequisites for admission. For more detailed information, visit

Offers of Admission

Admission offers are valid only for one term. Applicants who are admitted but do not enroll in classes, or who enroll but withdraw from classes before or during their first term, must apply again to attend a subsequent term. On an exception basis, an admission offer to a subsequent term may be requested by completing the online admission deferral form with supporting documentation.

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Admission and Approval into an Academic Program

Students may apply for academic program admission in one of eight faculties: Applied Sciences; Arts and Social Sciences; Beedie School of Business; Communication, Art and Technology; Education; Environment; Health Sciences; and Science. Applicants may indicate an alternate program on their application for admission in the event they are not admitted to their first choice of program.

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English Language Admission Requirement

English is the language of instruction at Simon Fraser University. All applicants, regardless of country of origin or citizenship status, will be required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to admission. Competence is required in all four of the following skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. Applicants to undergraduate programs must demonstrate English language competence in one of the following ways.

  • Completion of the last three years of full-time secondary school education in English in Canada. A minimum grade of 70% in English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, Literary Studies 12 or its equivalent in other provinces is required.
  • Completion of the last three years of full-time secondary school education in English in a country in which the principal language of instruction is English. A minimum grade of C+ or 70% in senior level English is required.
  • Completion of the last four years of full-time secondary school education in English at a recognized international school in a country in which the principal language of instruction is not English. A minimum grade of C+ or 70% in senior level English is required.
  • Completion of IB Diploma Program including English A1 or A2 or English Literature and Performance (HL or SL) with a minimum grade of 3.
  • Completion of a three unit English (ENGL) course or a certified W (writing intensive) course for which Simon Fraser University grants transfer credit, with a minimum grade of C-.
  • Completion of SFU's English Language and Culture (ELC) Low Advanced Level with a minimum grade of 80% or higher.
  • Obtain a satisfactory score on one of the following English language proficiency tests.
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a minimum score of 6.5 on the Academic Modules with no part less than 6.
    • TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language internet based test) with an overall score of 88 or better with a minimum score of 20 in each of the four components (listening, speaking, writing, reading).
    • Completion of Cambridge English Qualifications B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a minimum overall score of 176, with no part less than 169.
    • Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) with an overall score of 70, with no part less than 60.
    • Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) with an overall score of 65, with no part less than 60.
    • Duolingo English Test (DET)* with an overall score of 125 or better. *Pilot for Fall 2021 through Fall 2026; only accepted from students in countries where no other English proficiency test is available.

Writing-Intensive Course Prerequisite

All students must successfully complete at least two writing-intensive (W) courses to graduate with a bachelor's degree. Following admission, to enroll in a writing-intensive course, students will have achieved one of the following.

  • a minimum final blended grade of 75% in English Studies 12 or Literary Studies 12 (or the equivalent)
  • a minimum score of 7.0 on the IELTS with no part less than 6.5
  • a minimum grade of C- in a three-unit English (ENGL) course or a certified W (writing intensive) course for which Simon Fraser University grants transfer credit
  • a minimum score of 4 on the essay section of the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) and 50% or higher on all other parts
  • a minimum grade of 4 on IB English A1 or A2 or English Literature and Performance (HL or SL)
  • a minimum score of 4 on AP English
  • a minimum score of 600 on SAT Writing
  • a minimum score of 10 on ACT Writing
  • a minimum grade of C in Simon Fraser University's Foundations of Academic Literacy course (FAL X99)

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Quantitative and Analytical Skills Requirements

All applicants to undergraduate programs must demonstrate their competence in quantitative and analytical skills in one of the following ways:

  • a minimum grade of 60% or C in a senior level math course or precalculus
  • a minimum score of 3 in IB HL or SL math
  • a minimum D grade in GCE A/AS/O level math
  • a grade of C- or better in a 3-unit math or certified Q (quantitative) course that transfers to SFU (for college and university transfer students).

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Academic Documents

Students must arrange to send official transcripts of academic records from all schools and colleges attended to Simon Fraser University. Replaceable documents will not be returned. Irreplaceable documents will be returned to the student personally, on request. If the student’s documents are not in either English or French, Simon Fraser University may require an official translation, certified by an educational official of the student’s country, an official of a Canadian Education Centre, or a Canadian consular or embassy official. Translations made by the student, relatives or friends will not be accepted. For  applicants residing in BC, translations may be completed by a member of the Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (, or through MOSAIC Translation Services (

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Retention of Documents

The documents which students supply to support admission applications will be retained for three terms following the term to which application is made. Then, application forms, transcripts and other materials related to applications will be destroyed. Irreplaceable documents will be returned to the applicant if requested at the time of application. All other documents become the property of the university.

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Protection of Privacy

Simon Fraser University gathers and maintains information used for the purposes of admission, enrollment and other fundamental activities related to being a Simon Fraser University community member and to attending a public post-secondary institution in the Province of British Columbia.

When submitting an application for admission, all applicants are advised that the information they provide and any other information placed into the student record will be protected and used in compliance with British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1992).

All British Columbian applicants will be asked to provide their BC personal education numbers (PEN) at the time of application. All others will be assigned a PEN by the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology. Its uses are restricted to research and program evaluation. No identifiable personal information will be released.

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Transfer Credit

Transfer credit is granted on the basis of course work completed at another recognized institution; transfer units reduce the total required units for a Simon Fraser University degree, diploma or certificate. Transfer credit should not be confused with advanced standing. Transfer credit is often given without any concomitant advanced standing; the reverse may also be true.

In most cases, total transfer and course challenge credit may not exceed 60 units, and may not include more than 15 as upper division work. Within these limits, units may be transferred for all courses passed, which are acceptable under the university’s policies.

Transfer credit is not used to calculate the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Transfer credit for ungraded passes (e.g. pass/fail) will be granted only if the course has been previously articulated for transfer credit and if all students in the course are graded in a similar manner. Transfer credit is not granted for credit assessed by other institutions for knowledge acquired outside formal instruction, but course challenge credit may be obtained.

Students who are attending, or who have attended Simon Fraser University should note that in addition to these regulations,

  • admitted students who wish to complete courses at another institution for transfer towards their Simon Fraser University program must obtain advance permission using the Letter of Permission form from Student Services:
  • work completed after initial enrollment must be passed with a grade of C (2.0 or 60%) or higher to receive transfer credit; and

Students completing certificates or diplomas should note that each program has its own specific restrictions on transfer credit permitted.

Special transfer credit regulations apply to the bachelor of general studies, bachelor of education, bachelor of applied science in engineering science, honours degree programs and to students attending other universities on formal exchange programs.

Courses transferred, together with those subsequently completed at the university, must meet the general and specific requirements of the faculty and department in which the student chooses a major or honours. Some awarded transfer credit may be designated ‘general elective credit.’ Individual faculties may restrict the general elective credit that may be counted toward a degree. The applicant should not assume that the student will complete the degree with a number of units equal to the difference between total units required and transferred units. Although this calculation will usually be correct for a student who remains within a field of study, it will not necessarily be correct for one who changes fields.

Transfer credit is designated as type one, two, or three. Type one is assigned credit, used for a Simon Fraser University equivalent. Type two is unassigned credit in a subject area, used for courses without a Simon Fraser University equivalent, but which are acceptable to a department as fulfilling subject requirements for a general or honours degree in that department. For example, ‘BISC 1XX 3’ means that three units in biological sciences have been granted. Type three is general elective credit, used for courses which are judged to be transferable but do not fulfil specific faculty departmental requirements. General elective credit is counted toward the total required for the degree. Individual faculties may restrict the amount of general elective credit that may be counted toward a degree in that faculty.

Departments may require students to repeat prerequisite courses for which they have received transfer for a D grade. The repeated courses show on the student’s permanent record but double credit will not be granted.

Associate of Arts/Science Degree Holders

Graduates holding associate of arts or associate of science degrees from BC colleges recognized by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education will receive preference in the admission process as follows.

  • The minimum average for associate degree students will be established each term at a level 0.25 GPA points less than that required for regular transfer students, but shall not be less than 2.00.
  • Transfer credit will be given for all individually transferable courses. When the individually assigned credit from all sources totals less than 60 units, additional general elective credit will be assigned to bring the transfer credit total to 60 units.

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Advanced Standing

Advanced standing is placement to a certain level in a subject area granted on admission. The department concerned examines the applicant’s previous work, or asks the applicant to complete a placement test, and then places the applicant at a certain level in the sequence of courses in the department.

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Diverse Qualifications Admission Policy

Each term, many more admission applications are received than can be accepted. Academic performance is the main criterion for admission and is used exclusively in 90% of cases. However, it is recognized that some candidates have other attributes and achievements that should be considered in determining admission. The university seeks to admit not only applicants who are academically very well qualified but also those who meet minimum admission standards and have

  • demonstrated commitment and/or excellence in other endeavours; or
  • succeeded in their studies in spite of difficult circumstances.

The university may select up to 10% of new students, taking into account these diverse qualifications. To be considered under this policy, complete a personal information profile (see “Personal Information Profile” below) and submit it with one letter of reference.

This policy applies only to those who meet the minimum academic admission requirements, the English language requirement, and the analytical and quantitative skills requirement (see above) except where otherwise noted.

Complete the personal information profile at

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Students with Disabilities

Academically qualified students who have a physical, mental health, sensory or specific learning disability are encouraged to attend Simon Fraser University. The university will ensure that applicants are not denied admission as a result of their disability and that, where appropriate, accommodation will be made with respect to admission criteria. Students seeking exemption from an admission requirement on the basis of a disability should contact the Admissions Office. For all other disability-related issues, contact the Centre for Accessible Learning directly at 778.782.3112.

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BC Calculus Challenge Exam

All prospective Simon Fraser University, University of BC, University of Northern BC and University of Victoria students who have completed, or who are enrolled in, a secondary school calculus course are eligible to write a calculus challenge exam. Students who pass this exam will receive a Simon Fraser University-UBC-UNBC-UVic Calculus Challenge Examination Certificate that permits them to obtain calculus credit at one of these universities. Secondary school students can write the exam prior to entering one of the four participating BC universities. Only one attempt to write this exam is permitted. The exam’s resulting grade will be converted into the individual university’s equivalent grade.

Calculus Course Credit

Students who pass the calculus challenge exam and enroll at Simon Fraser University may choose to be awarded transfer credit [MATH 151 (3)] or actual course credit for MATH 151. Contact the Department of Mathematics to initiate such credit. Students already eligible for transfer credit because of high AP or IB scores will keep this eligibility regardless of their exam score and can waive the exam score and/or credit.

Examination Locations, Schedule

Each year a university will host the calculus challenge examination, alternating between Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia. The exam is three hours in duration. The June exam is held at participating high schools, or at the host university.

Application to Write the Exam

Application to complete the exam must be made to the mathematics department of the university that is hosting the examination in that year.


For further enquiries about writing the calculus examination and the Calculus Examination Certificate, contact: Calculus Challenge Examination, Department of Mathematics, 8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6; Tel: 778.782.3332.

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Upgrading BC 12 Grades

Applicants who wish to improve their grades in BC grade 12 courses may do so in accordance with Ministry of Education policies, except that the final grade in an approved course may not be increased by completing an equivalent college course. For example, applicants who has achieved a mark of 66% in pre-calculus 12 may not count in their admission average a subsequent, higher grade (say ‘B’ or 73%) in an ABE provincial level mathematics course completed through a college.

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Special Categories of Admission

Simon Fraser University is interested in extending learning opportunities to British Columbia residents who may not qualify under the regular categories of admission. The number of such admissions is limited by the availability of resources, and is not automatic. Only Canadian citizens or permanent residents are eligible. Three special categories are available.

  • Indigenous

    Indigenous applicants (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples of Canada) who do not meet the competitive admission average that is set by Simon Fraser University's individual faculties and schools can apply to be admitted under this special admission category. Applicants normally will be high school graduates and will meet the general Simon Fraser University minimum requirements for admission. Indigenous applicants who do meet the university's competitive average and the general admission requirements should apply directly to their faculty or program of choice. Visit

    This admission category considers the applicant's educational history, cultural knowledge, work experience, educational goals, and other achievements. This information will be reviewed by a three-member committee composed of participants from Simon Fraser University's Indigenous Student Centre, the specific faculty to which the student has applied, and the university's office of admissions.

    Applicants will

    • provide documentation of Indigenous heritage (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit). This could include, but is not limited to, Indian or Métis status cards, official Inuit identification, official letters from Indigenous organizations, or a combination of these.

    • complete a separate Supplemental Indigenous Undergraduate Admission Form containing the applicant's educational history, non-educational achievements, Indigenous cultural knowledge and activities, two references, and a personal letter from the applicant outlining the applicant's academic goals.

    • have completed specific faculty and/or program prerequisites which must be finished before being considered for admission to particular programs.

  • Mature Student Entry

    Applicants aged 23 or older who have attempted less than 24 units of post-secondary transferable course work, and who do not meet regular admission requirements, may be given consideration as mature students. In addition to normal documents, mature applicants must submit a personal information profile and at least one letter of reference (see “Diverse Qualifications Admission Policy”). Applicants who have successfully completed some post-secondary work, usually three to four transferable academic courses (9-12 units), and have ensured that they have no background deficiencies in essay writing, mathematics, etc. will receive preference.

    Mature applicants whose first language is not English are expected to meet the English language admission requirement.

    Mature applicants must meet the writing, quantitative and breadth requirements for graduation.

    Applicants who have attempted 24 or more of transferable post-secondary work are ineligible for mature student entry but may be considered for admission as transfer students.

  • Concurrent Studies

    Students with superior academic records (90% or higher) may apply for limited admission to complete one or two university courses while still attending secondary school. Admission is limited to one term, with a maximum of two courses in the term. Credit for these courses may be applied to academic degrees if the student is subsequently admitted to a regular program at the university.

    Admission application information for concurrent students is available here.

    Applications should be supported by a recommendation from the school principal or designate, and an official copy of the academic record. Admission under this category is at the discretion of the director of admissions and the respective faculty dean.

  • Irregular Admission (Faculty of Education)

    Applicants may apply for irregular admission, giving limited access to certain courses offered by the Faculty of Education. This category allows certified teachers in BC, who seek professional development opportunities, to avoid long lead times and full documentation of their academic histories. Published minimum admission requirements apply. Irregular admission students may not pursue a credential at Simon Fraser University (e.g. a degree) and receive no enrollment priority. They may complete no more than eight units per term to a maximum of 16 in total. Eligibility to re-enroll after each term is subject to the approval of the Faculty of Education.

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