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BA as a Second Degree Program | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Simon Fraser University Calendar | Spring 2025

Bachelor of Arts as a Second Degree

Bachelor’s degree holders may complete a second bachelor of arts (BA) degree, but are encouraged to determine whether a second BA degree is actually required for their purposes because post-degree studies may be more appropriate. For information regarding second BA degrees and/or post-degree studies, seek advice from the faculty advisors in AQ 3020.

A student may not enroll in a second BA degree in a subject in which they already hold a degree. A student who has a minor in a particular subject may enroll in a second BA degree with a major or honours program in that subject. Students may not complete a bachelor of general studies as a second degree.

Program Admission and Declaration

Students must apply for admission to SFU as a degree holder. Students with a first degree from SFU must apply for readmission or reactivation. Once admitted, the initial program status will be "Non-degree seeking." Students wishing to apply for program approval and declaration in a Second Degree must contact the department advisor for the intended major and provide a copy of the first undergraduate degree transcript for assessment of prerequisites if applicable. The advisor and student will then complete a Program Approval form for the Second Degree outlining the specific program requirements. Please note that some program areas require completion of specific lower division required courses and SFU CGPA prior to formal program approval.


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Program Requirements

The minimum requirement for a second BA degree is completion of 60 units, including at least 45 upper division units. Prior completion of lower division requirements for the major program may be required or may be waived at the discretion of the department.

Second degree students complete one upper division writing (W) course and one quantitative (Q) course.

Residency requirements for the second BA require at least 45 Simon Fraser University units, including at least 30 in upper division.

Courses not used toward a previous degree (as determined by the institution awarding that degree) may be used to reduce the number required in the second BA degree where applicable. Courses extra to previous degrees may be counted toward the second BA degree if completed before admission into the second BA degree, to a maximum of 15 units, in accordance with faculty regulations. Students must obtain approval from a faculty advisor in AQ 3020.

Second degree students may not complete courses at another institution through a letter of permission.

Advising Information:

Course Duplication

University regulations governing the duplication of courses are rigorously applied in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. No more than five course duplications will be allowed.

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Graduation GPA Requirements

Grade point averages (GPAs) used for graduation are the minimum GPAs that must be achieved to satisfy the requirements for a degree or other credential. The graduation GPA must be obtained both on the overall course work (CGPA) as well as on the upper division subset of that work (UDGPA).

In addition, program GPAs are the required minimum to satisfy the requirements of an honours, major, extended minor or minor program. In each case, the program GPA must be obtained both on the overall course work (CGPA) as well as on the upper division subset of that work (UDGPA) in the program area.

An overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and upper division CGPA of at least 2.0, and minimum CGPA and upper division CGPA of at least 2.0 across all units attempted in each subject that is a major, a joint major, a minor, or an extended minor. FASS Departments may define specific requirements for their respective programs.

The graduation and program GPAs specified are University minimum requirements; individual faculties and departments may, with senate approval, have higher requirements.

In the event of repeated courses, only the higher grade is used in these GPA calculations.

Individual departments may have additional GPA requirements for graduation. Please check individual department Calendar listings for further information.

Please note that the minimum GPA requirements for graduation differed during the following time periods: September 1965 to August 1991; September 1991 to August 2003. Please consult the appropriate Calendar(s)* for information about GPA requirements during these time periods.

*Calendar in effect at the time of entry to Simon Fraser University and the Calendar that was in effect at the time of approval to credential and/or program.

For further information, see Grade Point Averages Needed for Graduation.

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Major Program

To concentrate in a program area, students may complete a major consisting of at least 30 upper division units in that program area. The major program is the most common option chosen by students pursuing a BA degree.

The following requirements are in addition to those listed in the Program Requirements section above.

  • students complete lower division requirements for at least one Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences major
  • at least 30 upper division units must be in a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences major
  • no more than 15 upper division units that have been transferred from another institution may be used toward a major

A department may designate up to eight units of program-related upper division courses offered by other departments as being acceptable in fulfilling part of the required units in a major program.

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Joint Major Program

A joint major is a combination of two program areas. Students complete at least 20 upper division units in each of the two joint major program areas. Students are advised to check individual department listings for possible additional requirements.

The following requirements are in addition to those listed in the Program Requirements section above.

  • students complete lower division requirements for both joint major programs
  • students complete at least 20 upper division units in each of the two joint major programs, of which at least 10 upper division units must be completed at Simon Fraser University in each program area
  • no more than 15 upper division units that have been transferred from another institution may be used toward a joint major

Note: Students choosing to complete two separate majors (double major) will complete two major programs, with at least one major subject in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Therefore, students will complete at least 30 units of upper division courses in each of the two major subjects. Students completing two majors will graduate with one BA degree.

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Honours and Joint Honours Programs

The following requirements are in addition to those listed in the Program Requirements section above.

  • students complete at least 60 upper division units, which must include at least 48 units in upper division courses in a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences honours program; no more than 15 upper division units that have been transferred from another institution can be used toward this requirement
  • students complete lower division requirements for at least one Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences honours program
  • students are required to achieve an overall CGPA and upper division CGPA of at least 3.0, and an honours program CGPA and upper division CGPA of at least 3.0

Note for students approved in Honours programs prior to Spring 2011: Honours students who obtain an overall CGPA and upper division CGPA of at least 3.5 and an honours program CGPA and upper division CGPA of at least 3.5 will receive the designation of honours first class at the time of graduation.

Joint honours students must also complete the lower division requirements for both honours programs, and must maintain a 3.0 CGPA and upper division CGPA in each program area of the joint honours program.

A department may designate up to 12 units of program related upper division courses offered by other departments as being acceptable in fulfilling part of the required upper division units in the honours program.

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