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Sustainable Energy Engineering Courses

SEE 100 - Engineering Graphics and Software for Design (3)

Introduction to graphical communication in the context of engineering design. Students learn to think and communicate visually. With the use of computer aided design (CAD) tools, students learn the theory and practice of design by dissecting, graphically representing, and redesigning products. Students with credit for MSE 100 or IAT 106 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 101W - Process, Form and Convention in Professional Genres (3)

Fundamentals of communicating technical information clearly and concisely for professional engineers. A focus on communicating persuasively about various contemporary technical, social, ethical and environmental issues with technical and non-technical audiences. Students will practice providing constructive feedback to peers, giving presentations and working in a team. Students with credit for CMPT 105W, ENSC 102, ENSC 105W, or MSE 101W may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

SEE 110 - Energy, Environment and Society (3)

Energy availability and sources, environmental consequences of energy supply and consumption, and societal impacts. Explores the environmental, economic, social, and political implications of the choices a society makes to meet its energy needs. Definitions of sustainability. Special emphasis on communication skills.

SEE 111 - Integrated Energy Solution I (4)

Introduction to the process of sustainable engineering design. Historical perspective on role of energy, resources and technology in society. Development and demonstration of sustainability thinking through research, case study and design project undertaken by teams of students with integration of socio-economic factors and planning. Course introduces Project Based Learning methods. Prerequisite: SEE 110.

SEE 221 - Statics and Mechanics of Materials (4)

Introduction to solid mechanics including statics, stress, strain, and deformation. Equilibrium conditions, axial loading, torsional loading, pure bending, stresses and deflections in rods and beams. Prerequisite: PHYS 140, MATH 152. Students with credit for ENSC 281, MSE 221, or ENSC 385 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 222 - Engineering Materials for Energy Systems (3)

Introduction to engineering materials by control of their structures to achieve different properties and performance. Techniques for modern materials engineering practice. Covers crystal and non-crystal structures and instruments for structure determination; principles of material failure, polymers, ceramics, nano-materials, and composites; electronic materials, and electro-chemical energy materials; quality control and reliability. Prerequisite: PHYS 140, CHEM 121 or (CHEM 122 and CHEM 126). Students with credit for MSE 220 or ENSC 330 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 224 - Thermodynamics for Energy Engineering (3)

Basic energy concepts and definitions; first and second laws of thermodynamics; ideal and real gases; thermodynamic properties; with emphasis on analysis and applications to energy systems engineering. Prerequisite: MATH 251.

SEE 225 - Fluid Mechanics (4)

The fundamentals of fluid mechanics for engineers, emphasizing the basics of fluid statics and fluid motion, with applications in energy system engineering. Prerequisite: PHYS 140, MATH 251, (MATH 260 or MATH 310). Students with credit for ENSC 283 or MSE 223 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 230 - Electric Circuits (4)

Fundamental elements of electrical circuits; circuit laws; series-parallel circuits; charging and discharging characteristics of DC RL and RC circuits, methods of circuit analysis including network theorems; mesh and nodal analysis; Real, Reactive and Apparent power calculation, capacitor sizing and power factor improvement. Covers safety implications of electricity and common laboratory practices. Prerequisite: PHYS 141, MATH 232. Corequisite: (MATH 260 or MATH 310). Students with credit for ENSC 220 or MSE 250 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 231 - Electronic Devices and Systems (4)

Analysis of the basic electronic components, amplifiers, diodes, semiconductors, transistors and MOSFETs. Introduction to specific instrumentation, including actuators and sensors. Design of electronic circuits based on real world scenarios. Prerequisite: SEE 230. Students with credit for MSE 251 or ENSC 225 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 241 - Measurement, Analysis and Forecasting (3)

An introduction to methods for collecting and analysing engineering data. Topics include engineering data representation, probability density functions, engineering measurements, error analysis, test of hypotheses, regression, and design of experiments. Prerequisite: PHYS 141, MATH 232. Corequisite: MATH 251. Students with credit for ENSC 280 and MSE 210 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 242 - Computational Methods for Engineers (3)

Apply numerical methods to solve engineering problems with an emphasis on sustainable energy engineering. Prerequisite: MATH 152, MATH 232. Students with credit for MSE 211 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 251 - Electric Machines and Energy Conversion (3)

Principles, operation, and analysis of three phase systems, magnetic circuits, transformers and electromechanical energy conversion systems and their applications. Prerequisite: SEE 230, SEE 221, (MATH 260 or MATH 310).

SEE 290 - Industrial Internship I (3)

The first of 3 term-long work placements in which students gain real-world experience in research or industrial facilities, often designing and building real products. Students integrate theory and practice as a student engineer. Students are supported to prepare their job search strategies, conduct professional interviews and explore and develop their career goals. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree.

SEE 294 - Special Internship I (3)

An alternative experience to a regular co-op work term. This may include, but is not restricted to, a self-directed project (eg. sustainable community project), service (eg. intern with Engineers Without Borders), entrepreneurial, or research terms. Prior approval of the Internship Coordinator is required. To be granted credit Special Internship I must meet the regular criteria for a co-op work term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree.

SEE 300 - The Business of Engineering (3)

Economic and entrepreneurial concepts important to engineers who manage projects, run businesses, or need to decide on the most efficient method for accomplishing a task. Topics include: financial accounting and metrics, economic equivalence, rates of return, depreciation, income taxes, project and cost-benefit analyses, capital budgeting, financing methods, risk and uncertainty, business plans. Prerequisite: A minimum of 65 units OR a minimum of 55 units plus two-term co-op work. Students with credit for MSE 300 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 310 - Integrated Energy Solution II (4)

Integrated design methodology for sustainable engineering problems; implementation through an energy system project undertaken in a project based learning environment. Introduction to modelling, simulation and optimization of energy systems. Global and local regulatory and policy frameworks. Demonstration of integrated sustainability thinking through design project, report and presentation. Special emphasis on communication skills. Prerequisite: Completion of one co-op work term; SEE 251, 224, 242.

SEE 324 - Heat and Mass Transfer for Energy Engineering (3)

Provides the basic principles of heat and mass transfer with analysis and application to real-world sustainable energy systems. Governing relationships for conduction, free and forced convection, and radiation will be explained and then applied to solve practical problems. Practical application of theory (e.g. heat exchanger design) will be introduced. Prerequisite: PHYS 141, SEE 224, SEE 225.

SEE 325 - Mechanical Design and Finite Element Analysis (3)

Introduction and application of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to energy systems design problems involving engineering mechanics, heat transfer and machine elements. Includes an introduction to commercial FEA software and applications to practical problems. Concepts relating to engineering mechanics and machine elements are developed in the context of design projects. Prerequisite: SEE 100, SEE 221, and SEE 324.

SEE 331 - Power Electronics (4)

Introduction to the fundamentals of power electronic circuits, components, and operation, and principles of electric power conversion in DC and AC applications. Prerequisite: SEE 231 and SEE 251. Students with credit for MSE 353 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 332 - Power Systems Analysis and Design (3)

Interconnected power systems including generators, transformers, electric motors and transmission lines; active and reactive power flow; symmetrical components; symmetrical and unsymmetrical short circuit fault calculations; protection systems, circuit breakers, transient stability, and grid voltage and frequency control. Labs, field trips and projects related to power grid operation, control, and design. Prerequisite: SEE 251, SEE 331.

SEE 333 - Network and Communication Systems (3)

Fundamentals of communication networks: reference models, layered architecture. Physical layer analysis and design. Performance analysis of communication protocols at the data link, network, and transport layers. Medium access control, congestion control, routing. Network security, privacy, and social issues. Tools for simulation and analysis of communication networks. Prerequisite: SEE 341.

SEE 341 - Signals and Systems (3)

Modelling and analysis of continuous and discrete signals using linear techniques. Laplace transforms; methods for basic modelling of physical systems; discrete and continuous convolution; impulse and step response; transfer functions and filtering; continuous Fourier transform and its relationship to the Laplace transform; frequency response and Bode plots; sampling; Z-transform. Prerequisite: SEE 242, SEE 230. Students with credit for MSE 280 or ENSC 380 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 342 - Feedback Control Systems (4)

Fundamentals of feedback control system design and analysis, including practical and theoretical aspects. Significant lab component in which students design controllers and evaluate their robustness to modeling errors and nonlinearities. Prerequisite: SEE 341. Students with credit for ENSC 383 or MSE 381 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 351 - Bioprocess Engineering Systems (3)

Combines biotechnology and engineering for materials and energy harvesting for a broad range of industrial and environmental applications. Offers an in-depth understanding of underlying principles of bioprocesses, which leads to design and operation of a variety of innovative biosensors, control systems and full-scale bioreactors. Sustainable engineering applications include food processing and preservation, biofuel production, and energy generation from waste streams. Prerequisite: (MATH 260 or MATH 310), and SEE 224. Corequisite: SEE 324. MSE students who completed MSE 321 can take this course upon approval of the course instructor.

SEE 352 - Applied Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion (3)

Application of thermodynamics, chemistry, and transport physics to energy conversion technologies and systems. Analysis of energy conversion systems with emphasis on efficiency, performance, and environmental impact. Prerequisite: SEE 222, SEE 224.

SEE 354 - Energy Storage (3)

The characteristics, applications, limitations, and environmental impacts of various energy storage technologies and techniques are analyzed, compared and implemented in a lab setting. Electrochemical, mechanical, thermal and emerging energy storage options are considered. Prerequisite: SEE 222, SEE 331, SEE 324.

SEE 390 - Industrial Internship II (3)

The second of 3 term-long work placements in which students gain real-world experience in research or industrial facilities, often designing and building real products. Students integrate theory and practice as a student engineer. Students are supported to prepare their job search strategies, conduct professional interviews and explore and develop their career goals. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Prerequisite: SEE 290 or SEE 294.

SEE 394 - Special Internship II (3)

An alternative experience to a regular co-op work term. This may include, but is not restricted to, a self-directed project (eg. sustainable community project), service (eg. intern with Engineers Without Borders), entrepreneurial, or research terms. Prior approval of the Internship Coordinator is required. To be granted credit Special Internship II must meet the regular criteria for a co-op work term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Prerequisite: SEE 290 or SEE 294.

SEE 402 - Professional Engineering Ethics and Practice (2)

An introduction to the engineering profession, law and ethics, and the engineers' responsibility to society. Students will explore issues related to worker and public safety and the social implications and environmental impacts of engineering. Includes how to successfully negotiate the transition to the next career stage. Special emphasis on communication skills. Prerequisite: SEE 110; Minimum of 100 units OR 80 units plus two-term co-op work. Students with credit for ENSC 406 or MSE 402 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 410W - Sustainable Energy Design Project I (3)

Focuses on project management, technical writing skills, and teamwork skills and strategies within the context of an engineering design project. Documentation includes project proposal, project management plan, design concept, and detail design providing functional and design specifications. A final group presentation is required. A first in a two-course capstone sequence. SEE 411 must be taken in the term directly following the successful completion of SEE 410W. Grades awarded in SEE 410W are conditional on the successful completion of SEE 411 in the subsequent term. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 24 units from the upper division list of SEE courses and completion of two co-op terms. SEE students cannot take MSE 410, MSE 411, ENSC 405W or ENSC 440 for further credit. Writing.

SEE 411 - Sustainable Energy Systems Design Project (3)

This is the second course in the team-based, two-course capstone sequence. Students synthesize their learning across the SEE program to research, design, build and test the hardware and/or software implementation of a working system. Includes shop training workshops, engineering standards on how to design for safety, and human factors. Final output will include a prototype or other proof-of-concept, a final presentation, and other documentation commensurate to the needs of the project. Prerequisite: SEE 410W. Must be taken in the term immediately following 410W. In order to obtain credit, students must successfully complete both SEE 410W and SEE 411. SEE students cannot take MSE 410, MSE 411, ENSC 405W or ENSC 440 for credit.

SEE 460 - Additive Manufacturing and Sustainable Design (3)

Additive manufacturing processes; Design for additive manufacturing; Problem-based additive manufacturing, Project-based additive manufacturing; Light-based 3D printing, Metal 3D printing. Extrusion-based 3D printing; 3D printed electronics; Direct digital manufacturing; 4D printing. Prerequisite: SEE 100, SEE 221, SEE 222.

SEE 461 - Electronics Manufacturing and Assembly (3)

Electronics manufacturing and assembly technologies and processes in the context of sustainability. PCB and interconnect technologies, component selection and handling, material properties and selection, thermal, mechanical and environmental effects, product testing, environmental and legal standards. Prerequisite: SEE 221, SEE 231.

SEE 462 - Manufacturing Processes and Materials (3)

Manufacturing processes and Engineering materials in the context of sustainable manufacturing. Manufacturing technologies and process flow. Productivity and green manufacturing practices. Engineering material selection. Manufacturing processes including forming, separating, fabrication, conditioning and finishing. Prerequisite: SEE 221, SEE 310.

SEE 463 - Embedded Computer Systems (3)

Implementation and design of embedded computer systems used in various real-time applications including energy systems, power electronics, and automation. Prerequisite: CMPT 130, SEE 231.

SEE 464 - Energy Systems Modeling for Buildings (3)

Introduction to modeling energy systems for buildings, focusing on envelope and mechanical systems, and their effects on energy use. Using the applicable codes and standards to define schedules for the buildings, calculate heating and cooling loads, and set sustainability targets. Applying industry standard software to model, and experiment with innovative methods to enhance energy use, and reach sustainability targets. Prerequisite: SEE 310 and SEE 324. MSE students who completed MSE 321 can take this course upon approval of the course instructor.

SEE 465 - Environmental Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability (3)

Introduction to environmental life cycle assessment, data collection and modeling, environmental product declarations, impact measures, and whole-building LCA. Introduction to ISO LCA standard for life cycle assessment, LEED LCA credit, and international, national, and local standards for whole-building LCA. Application of industry standard software to conduct LCA. Prerequisite: SEE 310 or MSE 312. Students with credit for SEE 475 under the title "Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability" may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 475 - Special Topics in Sustainable Energy Engineering (3)

Special topics in sustainable energy engineering. Students may repeat this course for further credit under a different topic. Prerequisite: Permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

SEE 476 - Special Topics in Sustainable Energy Engineering (3)

Special topics in sustainable energy engineering. Students may repeat this course for further credit under a different topic. Prerequisite: Permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

SEE 477 - Special Topics in Sustainable Energy Engineering (3)

Special topics in sustainable energy engineering. Students may repeat this course for further credit under a different topic. Prerequisite: Permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

SEE 486 - Directed Studies in Sustainable Energy Engineering (3)

Directed reading and research in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. Admission requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of a directed study course, the student must submit a copy of the ‘deliverables’ to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 100 units and permission of the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. The specific prerequisite courses will be identified by the course supervisor.

SEE 490 - Industrial Internship III (3)

The third of 3 term-long work placements in which students gain real-world experience in research or industrial facilities, often designing and building real products. Students integrate theory and practice as a student engineer. Students are supported to prepare their job search strategies, conduct professional interviews and explore and develop their career goals. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Prerequisite: SEE 390 or SEE 394.

SEE 494 - Special Internship III (3)

An alternative experience to a regular co-op work term. This may include, but is not restricted to, a self-directed project (eg. sustainable community project), service (eg. intern with Engineers Without Borders), entrepreneurial, or research terms. Prior approval of the Internship Coordinator is required. To be granted credit Special Internship III must meet the regular criteria for a co-op work term. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an SFU degree. Prerequisite: SEE 390 or SEE 394.

SEE 498 - Sustainable Energy Engineering Undergraduate Honours Thesis Proposal (3)

Supervised study, research and preliminary work leading to a formal proposal for the thesis project work in SEE 499. This activity can be directly augmented by other course work and by directed study. The locale of the work may be external to the University or within a University laboratory, or may bridge the two locations. A plan for the student's SEE 498 activities must be submitted to the school at the time of enrollment in the course and must include agreement from the supervisory committee. At least two of the three supervisors must be registered professional engineers, and at least one must be a faculty member in SEE. Completion of the undergraduate thesis project proposal is the formal requirement of this course and the basis upon which it is graded. Grading will be on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisite: At least 115 units with a minimum 3.0 CGPA and approval of the department, or permission of the academic supervisor.

SEE 499 - Sustainable Energy Engineering Undergraduate Honours Thesis (9)

A thesis based on a research or development project that incorporates a significant level of engineering design. Typically undertaken in the student's final year, but in no case before the student has completed 115 units. Enrollment for SEE 499 takes place in the term in which the thesis will be presented and defended. The locale of the work, supervision and other arrangements follow those for SEE 498. Grading of the thesis will be on a pass/fail basis, but recognition will be given to outstanding work. Prerequisite: SEE 498.

SEE 770 - Water, Energy and Food Nexus (3)

Rapid population and economic growth in combination with accelerated urbanization and changing lifestyles are driving ever-increasing demands for water, energy, and food. All three sections are closely linked - 30% of global energy consumption is used for food production, which also takes up 70% of water consumption. Integrated policy and engineering solutions that simultaneously address the three nexus sectors are the focus of this course. It explores innovative technologies, engineering challenges, and supportive policy approaches. The overall scope of the course is international with a strong focus on Canadian applications. Students explore real-world problems through identification of innovative technological solutions.

SEE 771 - Sustainable Energy Systems I (4)

Students will develop the engineering knowledge base needed to analyze modern sustainable energy systems, including electrical power engineering, material sciences, and thermodynamics. Physical laws relevant to each engineering discipline will be introduced and analytical approaches will be developed for application to representative energy systems.

SEE 772 - Sustainable Energy Systems II (4)

Application of engineering principles from electrical engineering, material sciences, and thermodynamics to sustainable energy systems. Topics will include electrical energy production, sustainable buildings, smart grids, and low-carbon transportations. Prerequisite: SEE 771.

SEE 773 - Sustainable Energy Policy (4)

Writing intensive graduate course designed to examine one of the most pressing issues of our time: how to develop alternative and sustainable energy sources in the face of climate change. Students receive a technical introduction to how energy works, then moves to a historical perspective focusing on how petroleum-based economy has evolved, and what the future holds for it. Next, students review energy policy frameworks in economic, political, and regulatory terms. Students will learn how to write a policy brief or memo, using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Students with credit for POL 452W or POL 855 may not take this course for further credit.

SEE 799 - Capstone Project (6)

Students in this course will work in teams on an applied industry design project related to sustainable energy engineering. Students synthesize their learning from previous MEng courses to research, design, build and test a real-world industry project. Students deliver a final project report and presentation. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: SEE 772.

SEE 810 - Sustainability and Sustainable Energy Technologies (3)

Examines the core concepts of sustainability for graduate students in the School of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE). Principles of sustainability and the role of technology in addressing critical challenges relating to society’s use of energy are discussed. Specific topics will include technologies for low-impact/renewable electrical energy generation, distribution, and utilization in stationary and mobile applications. It is required for students in the SEE MASc program and is optional for students in the SEE PhD program. Prerequisite: Open to SEE MASc students or permission of the Graduate Program Chair. Corequisite: SEE 896 (MASc) or SEE 897 (PhD).

SEE 811 - Technical Communication Skills (3)

Communication skills, knowledge and strategies to support successful graduate student research in engineering including communicating clearly and concisely with interdisciplinary, technical, and non-technical audiences. Students will learn to identify areas for investigation, propose a writing project, source relevant and reliable literature, use an intentional writing process, address rhetorical issues of audience, purpose and style, and practice constructive, analytical and empowering peer review. A special emphasis will be communicating with policy audiences. Students will practice clear, concise, and impactful professional presentations for interdisciplinary audiences.

SEE 820 - Materials Design for Energy Systems (3)

Modern engineering materials design for energy system applications. Predictive modelling and design implications applied to energy systems. Advanced theoretical and experimental investigations will be discussed to understand the methodologies for design of materials and machinery to be applied to the energy conversion. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897. Recommended: SEE 222.

SEE 821 - Membranes and Filtration (3)

Water usage and global water shortages; principles of membrane separation including microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis; physico-chemical criteria for separations and membrane materials; basic mass transport in mixed solute systems; polarization and fouling; prediction of membrane performance; operational issues, limitations, energy requirements and system configurations. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897. Recommended: SEE 224 and SEE 225.

SEE 850 - Energy Storage Systems (3)

Electrochemical, mechanical and thermal energy storage techniques; integration for stationary and mobile applications; design tradeoffs to understand environmental impacts, cost, reliability, and efficiency. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897. Recommended: SEE 224 and SEE 230.

SEE 890 - PhD Qualifying Exam

PhD Qualifying Exam. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Corequisite: SEE 897.

SEE 891 - Directed Studies (3)

Directed Study in Sustainable Energy Engineering. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897.

SEE 893 - Special Topics I (3)

Special Topics in Sustainable Energy Engineering. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897.

SEE 894 - Special Topics II (3)

Special Topics in Sustainable Energy Engineering. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897.

SEE 895 - Special Topics III (3)

Special Topics in Sustainable Energy Engineering. Corequisite: SEE 896 or SEE 897.

SEE 896 - MASc Research Seminar

Presentation and discussion of current research topics. Includes guest speakers, student presentations, readings, and professional development workshops. A focus is building a community of sustainability scholars while enhancing student well-being. MASc students must enroll in SEE 896 every term in which they are enrolled, until all program requirements have been met. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

SEE 897 - PhD Research Seminar

Presentation and discussion of current research topics. Includes guest speakers, student presentations, readings, and professional development workshops. A focus is building a community of sustainability scholars while enhancing student well-being. PhD students must enroll in SEE 897 every term in which they are enrolled, until all program requirements have been met. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

SEE 898 - MASc Thesis (18)

MASc Thesis. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Corequisite: SEE 896.

SEE 899 - PhD Thesis (18)

PhD Thesis. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: SEE 890. Corequisite: SEE 897.