Term Two

Term Two of the program is a little different than Term One as you will be attending a weekly seminar, BOT 120. As a benefit of being in the program, the RTW standing will be removed and replaced with "Extended Academic Probation". The information listed below applies to all students in Term Two of the program.

BOT 120 - Extended Academic Probation

CLASSES: Will I be taking regular classes?

During this term, students will enroll in their BOT approved credit courses. It is very important that all of your courses are approved by your academic advisor in this term. 

You will be taking regular courses, but there are some restrictions. There is a maximum of 9 units, and a minimum of 3 units. Also, repeats, Math courses, Engineering Science courses, Distance Education, and Intersession/Summer session courses are not permitted in Term Two.

The BOT advisors remain in contact with all students through email, phone, and in-person appointments. You are asked to contact the BOT office and/or your BOT advisors throughout the term should you have any questions or require further support and/or advising.

WEEKLY SEMINAR: What is the required weekly seminar?

In addition to your courses, you will be participating in a weekly group seminar called BOT 120. The seminar runs over 12 weeks and attendance is mandatory. Topics include: Time Management, Procrastination, Motivation, Learning Styles, Study Tips, and more. 

You are also encouraged to continue to access campus services and resources that are pertinent to your individual learning needs (workshops, conversation groups, counselling, etc.).

REQUIREMENTS: What do I need to do in Term Two?

In order to successfully complete Term Two of the program, you will need to: 

  • Attend your BOT 120 weekly seminars
  • Attend all advising follow up appointments
  • Complete Course Planning with your academic advisor for the next term

Please Note: Program participation is monitored throughout the term. Non-participating students will be removed from the Program, dropped from their active classes, and will have their academic standing returned to Required to Withdraw.

COST: What does Term Two cost?

The Term Two fee is subject to change. The fees are outlined in the RTW Information Session and BOT Program Student Agreement which you will review before you join.


End of Term Two and Continuation

You have finished your courses, completed the program requirements, and have received your grades. What comes next?

I finished the term with...

Good Academic Standing

Continue to Term Three.

You've had a good term and your CGPA and Term GPA are 2.00 or higher, placing you in Good Academic Standing. You are eligible to continue on to Term Three of the program. 

Students who return to Good Academic Standing at the end of Term Two will typically not be required to participate in weekly seminars in Term Three. 

Please note: Students who return to Good Academic Standing but earn a D, F, N, or equivalent grade for any Term Two course must enroll in BOT 140, which includes a required one-hour weekly seminar.

Continued on Academic Probation

Continue to Term Three.

You've had a good term with a term GPA of 2.00 or higher. However, you are still a term or two away from getting back in Good Academic Standing. You are eligible to continue onto Term Three of the program. 

In addition to your courses, you will also be required to participate in another weekly seminar in Term 3 (BOT 145).

Please note: Students who have a Term Two GPA greater than or equal to 2.0 but earned a D, F, N, or equivalent grade for any Term Two course must enroll in BOT 140, which includes a required one-hour weekly seminar.

Required to Withdraw

Continue to Term Three.

You worked hard, but your struggles continued this term. As a result, your term GPA was below 2.00 and you are once again Required to Withdraw. If you have successfully completed all of the BOT Program requirements for Term Two, you will be eligible to continue to Term Three. 

In addition to your courses, you will also be required to participate in another weekly seminar in Term Three (BOT 140).

Are you Required to Withdraw this term?