REEL 11 [DAT C6]
VIKING, ALBERTA Sept. 25, 1973
[0-tone][false take, 20"]
[ID 1 0:50]
1. DINNER BELL (old school bell) rung by Frank Murray (see Reel 10 A1 for description during interview) 3'49"
2. VIKING AMBIENCE, around 5 p.m. 6'34"3. HAIRCUT AT BRUCE DAVIS'! 9'44"
1. Bell slowly approaching, distortions on left channel as it comes close (2'30").2. Train whistle (0'30"), bell ringing (1'10"), close train whistle (1'25"), bell ringing in distance -- at train crossing? (2'30" - 4'10"). Children's voices and the occasional car passing. Church bell (5'30") ringing 5 p.m. (Big Ben type). During ring car passing. This take is interesting for its variety and the occurrance of specific events.
3. Bruce Davis gets his hair cut by Bruce Davis. Process: scissors, then electric hair cutter (1'00") with penetrating 60 cycle hum, scissors again (2'30"), quick scissors (3'5O"). Disturbance on right channel (5'10" - 6'00"). Peter's turn: (7'10") follows same process.