Zeeyad Monir

I am a Front End Developer

A little more about me...

My name is Zeeyad Monir, I am a 22-year-old Pakistani-Canadian. I have been teaching myself to be a better front-end developer for several years, starting when I was young with online tutorials; but now I am currently studying a degree in Interactive Arts and Technology at SFU, concentrating in Web and Mobile Development.

I've always loved creating and designing webpages and mobile apps because it gives me an avenue to be creative. My goal when designing is to create unique projects that push the boundaries of what is the current norm. I want my projects when necessary to be entertaining, engaging, and interactive; I intend users on leaving more than satisfied. I intend on creating designs that are usable to all walks of life, including elderly and visually impaired users with strategies such as keyboard navigation which includes using tabindex attributes, and making sure all interactive elements can be accessed without a mouse. As well aspects such as ARIA Landmarks to provide additional context to screen readers.

Programming Knowledge

Developing efficient and effective code in the following languages:






Project 1 Screenshot

Web Page for Lash Extension Company

In this web page project, the goal was to create a page for a company. My teammate and I chose to work on a lash extension company. The project was mainly broken down into two parts, where I focused on the HTML, ensuring everything worked cohesively. We made sure to have multiple HTML files, ensure responsiveness, and make sure elements are clearly interactive.

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