wax seal on letter


Discover the art of wax sealing, a craft that has been cherished for centuries.

Insignia, where timeless tradition meets modern elegance.

3 wax seals

Select the colours...

Your wax colour is a reflection of your unique style and story. Each hue tells a tale – which will you choose to tell yours?

...and the artwork

What is on your wax seal is a part of your message to the recipients. Check out our wax seal shop to see what artworks and colours are available.

3 wax seals

Melt the wax...

Feel the warmth as the wax begins to melt, preparing to seal your message. Watch as the wax transforms, ready to capture your sentiments.

...then pour the wax

Pour the molten wax, a moment of creation in its purest form. Let the liquid wax flow, the beginning of your seal’s journey.

a hand pressing on the seal
a hand pressing on the seal

Pressing the seal

Press gently, firmly, imprinting your mark of distinction. This is when the magic happens, your personal touch, forever embedded.

Your message, sealed with care, ready to be shared with the world.

Your journey begins here.