A headshot of Alicia looking at the camera

Hi, I'm Alicia

A pixelated frog holding a sword

I am currently a fourth-year student at Simon Fraser University's School of Interactive Arts and Technology, focusing in game design and development with a Minor in Computer Science.

As an aspiring game designer, I aim to create games that are accessible and intuitive for beginning players. By understanding the player's perspective, I design experiences that minimizes large learning barriers and encourages continued play, allowing players to experience the emotions and excitement through gaming.

I'm currently looking for an internship or opportunities that allows me to create games that help beginning players through a smooth learning curve.

When I'm not designing, you can find me hanging out with friends, singing songs out loud and crocheting frog plushies! I am always on the lookout for new and exciting projects to tackle.

Feel free to check out my resume and get in touch!

Check out My Latest Project!

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Game Design // Game Development

The Argon Chalice

Designed each level with the users learning in mind for an interactive narrative video game.

View The Argon Chalice