About Monolith

A brown fabric chair with metal supports in a concrete room with a plant

In 2023, classmates Kobe Stimpson and Kushan Samarawikrema, while studying at Simon Fraser University, discovered there love for all things furniture. Enter monolith. a online store that not only sells hard-to-find & rare furniture to the public, but a design team that also creates custom furniture in-house.

Kobe and Kushan took it upon themselves, with the help of a few key figures at some of the most popular designer furniture stores in Vancouver, BC, Canada, to curate a website where, every few months, a collection of furniture would be "dropped" for the public to get their hands on. Brands in these drops have included Herman-Miller, Norman-Copenhagen, and Big Game.

For many people, furniture may seem like something you have in a room to fill up space, but we here at monolith. believe something quite opposite; you have a room to showcase beautiful furniture design. We hope we can provide you with furniture that truly feels uniquely you.
