Take Home

Home page of Take Home website


Take Home is an e-commerce website focusing on coffee beans and coffee accessories selling. The website introduces the company and provides an intuitive shopping process flow. It aims to build an accessible shopping experience for users who have different needs and use different devices.

This is a school project for the Web Design and Development course, I worked with one teammate to create a coffee accessories company website by HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I was mainly responsible for the designing and coding of the product list page, product detail page, and navigation bars.

Initial Step

Creating wireframes

I started the project from discussed with my teammate to establish the topic of our website. I sketched the low-fidelity layout wireframes on paper to visualize my initial design ideas. The wireframes helped me establish the initial structure and hierarchy of the website. I also used it in the group discussion to help communicate my ideas with the teammate, then proceeded with the modification and iteration design.

The sketches of website wireframe
Low-fidelity website wireframes sketches

Based on the refined sketches, I built the high-fidelity wireframes on Figma. It better reveals the appearance of the final work and can help guide the later code implementation.

High-idelity wireframe made by Figma
High-fidelity website wireframes

Code Implementation

Establishing style-guide template

I collaborated with my teammate on Github to keep updating my teammate's work progress. We first created a style-guide template to unite the style of the website's essential components.

Image responsiveness

Then I make the HTML files to implement the website structure and construct the website hierarchy for the product list and detail page. I applied the responsive images to allow the images to fit different sizes of browser windows and increase the website performance. It will make it easier for users to access this website in different scenarios.

Here is a video clip shows the responsive design on the product list page

Responsive design on the product list page

Here is a video clip shows the responsive design on the product detail page

Responsive design on the project detail page

Grid layout

I used the Grid property in the CSS files to set up the page layouts for the content placement. It's also easy to be adjusted for the different window sizes to maintain the website's responsiveness.

The grid layout for web list page
Grid layout in product list page
The grid layout for web detail page
Grid layout in product detail page

JavaScript Function

I used JavaScript to allow the main menu can be expanded or collapsed to adapt to the smaller screens on mobile devices. It can ensure the same user experience on different hardware platforms.

Here is a video clip shows the nav bar function in differnet browser sizes

Responsive design of main menu bar


The website received feedback that the visual style was inconsistent, and some of the functions didn't work properly without JavaScript support. I followed these suggestions to adjust the image and text size to make the overall visual style more unified. In terms of the website accessibility, I added an extra breadcrumb menu for the web page navigation to maintain the website usability when JavaScript is unavailable.

The breadcrump menu under the main menu bar
Breadcrumb menu under the main menu bar

Final Work

Here is a video clip shows the entire usage process of the website

The final result of the website

Other Work

Exhibition event website, link to design process
Old Navy Expo Event Web