Film Transition: Fade in
Shot Type and Angle: Extreme wide shot, higher angle
Camera Movement: Zoom in
Opens with a view of the island from a high angle looking down upon it, showing off the various objects situated on it. This includes the house, foliage, garden patches, etc. His mailbox has his name on it.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide shot, higher angle
Camera Movement: Tilt downwards
Milo as he leaves his house, equipped with his fishing gear.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, low angle
Camera Movement: Zoom in
Fish swimming in the water then one jumps out.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, straight on
Camera Movement: Zoom in
Close up of his face as he watches the fish. Perhaps reflect the fish in his eyes?
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Medium shot, straight on
Camera Movement: None
Milo rubs his stomach and licks his lips, his tail wags.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Long shot, higher angle
Camera Movement: Pan
Camera facing and following Milo as he walks towards the boat on the pier then leans down.
Film Transition: Cut away
Camera Movement: None
Milo kneels down and pulls at the rope keeping his boat tied to
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, straight on
Camera Movement: Pan
Close up of Milo's feet as he trips on the rope when standing up.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide, slightly above
Camera Movement: Zoom in
Milo gets entangled in the rope and falls to the ground.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide, straight on
Camera Movement: Pans
Camera Movement: Pans
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close angle, slightly above
Camera Movement: None
Milo sighs as he frowns while on the ground.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Extreme wide, straight on
Camera Movement: Pan
The boat floats away further.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide shot, slightly below
Camera Movement: Zoom in
Milo has untangled himself and looks determined to fish. He walks determinedly.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide, straight on
Camera Movement: Pan
Milo walks to the end of the pier and prepares to cast his line.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Medium shot
Camera Movement: Pan and zoom, following the lure as it flies
He casts his lure into the water.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, straight on
Camera Movement: None
The lure lands with a plunk in the water, fish are swimming nearby.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Extreme wide, straight on
Camera Movement: Zooming out slowly
Milo waits for a bite. The lighting changes as he sits down, yawning while waiting for a bite.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, slightly above
Camera Movement: None
The lure plunges under the water as a fish bites it.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, straight on
Camera Movement: None
Milo is startled. His eyes go wide and his eyes perk.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Medium-wide shot, slightly above
Camera Movement: Pan
Milo pulls with all his strength, but stumbles backwards.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Medium-wide, slightly above
Camera Movement: Pan
He gets pricked when falling on raspberry bushes and he yelps in pain. His lure goes flying up and the fish with it.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, below
Camera Movement: Pan
Fish flies into the air below falling onto the ground.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, straight angle
Camera Movement: Pan
Milo cheers at the fish falling to the ground and starts to walk over.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, below
Camera Movement: None
Milo notices something in the water.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Medium-close up shot
Camera Movement: Pan
The fish's family is swimming nearby, looking for him. They are extremely sad.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide-shot
Camera Movement: Tilting up
Milo looks at the raspberry bushes.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Close up, below
Camera Movement: Pan
Milo picks up the fish and walks towards the water.
Film Transition: Cut away
Shot Type and Angle: Wide shot, straight angle
Camera Movement: Pan
He leans over the pier and releases the fish that then swims away happily. He goes towards the berry bushes.
Film Transition: Fade out
Shot Type and Angle: Extreme Wide shot, straight angle
Camera Movement: Zoom out
Milo is eating berries by the pier, watching the sunset and the fish swim in the background.