Hi, my name is Harry Shiu

I am a fourth year student at Simon Fraser University in the Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) program. Through navigating the media arts courses at SIAT, I found myself interested in the production of video, particularly the use of editing to aid in storytelling.

Through my education at SFU, I have developed skills in the production and analyses of media arts. With skills in Premiere Pro, After Effects, Maya, and Illustrator, my projects aim to use these skills to help establish narrative and a final product that is entertaining to watch. I also have experience in graphic design. I have applied these skills in design projects such as logos as well as applying them to my video projects.

As I continue to refine my skills in editing and design, I would also like to explore more into other areas such as 3D animation and game design.

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236 999 6443


Harry Shiu Resume 2022