
intro image of restroll

Restaurant Searching App

restroll app layout

RestRoll is an Android based app programmed using kotlin language & Android Studio. It gathers the user's nearby restaurant data using Yelp api and let's the user like and dislike resturants around. It also lets users filter out catagories of cuisine they want to see in their feed, which was a challenge to overcome precisely. The main feature of the app is that it negates the decision paralysis we have when trying to pick a resturant to go to. The user does a fling gesture and the app randomly chooses a restaurant from the nearby restaurant data which the user can then share, locate, search, like and dislike.

Prototype & UI Design

restroll wireframe

Multiple wireframes and prototypes have been created in collaboration with my teammates Nathan Cerone & Nick Sung, using figma. Github for remote respositories and code collaboration. And ofcourse Kotlin language to code the application in Android studio. I made sure the layouts in the UI Design and units matched accordingly and initiated the project in Android studio.

Landing Page, Expanded Cards & Animation Code

restroll wasee prototype, yet to be uploaded

Landing page design and animation where the cards had to do a random flipping/rotating animation was implement by me using kotlin's onFling gestures and gesture listeners. Along with having an expanded card views for each selected resturant and a random resturant generator using data from yelp search.

This project was challenging in terms of gathering the accurate data from yelp and saving and reading seen restaurant data, filtering the catagories and passing data from one activity to the other. We had to make sure as a team each of them worked cohesively. Kotlin can be a very useful language to create android apps and I will be exploring even more possibilities for my future projects. It removes the hassle of having to code to create new objects/elements because of android studio's vast libraries. As for future iterations, we would like to add more interactive functionalities to the app such as animations to cards when liked or disliked, having more ways to connect to a restuarant and search from favourites.

ohcha & shoe junk image

OHcha Seltzers & Shoe Junk