
z-Test for Population Mean

A z-test for a population mean tests the population mean against a hypothesized value. It is appropriate when the variances are known and the sample size is large.


  1. p-value of a test of significance:

    p-Value of a Test of Significance

    This applet allows users to change the null and alternative hypotheses, standard deviation (σ) and sample size (n). After changing the values, the applet displays the result of the significance test, and illustrates the corresponding p-value. The applet includes an activity, which can be accessed by clicking the "Quiz Me" button.

    Author: Statistical Applets.
  2. Calculator for a z-test for one population mean:

    z-Test for One Population Mean Calculator

    This web calculator conducts a z-test for a population mean. The calculator includes a video definition, an explanation of the formula and practice examples.

    Author: Statistics Kingdom