
Two-Sample t-Test for Population Means

A t-test for population means compares the means between two populations. It is appropriate when the population standard deviations are unknown.


  1. Interactive visualization: Robustness and power of the t-test:

    Robustness and Power of the t-Test

    This applet allows users to change the distributions of two populations, and to view the resulting distribution of test statistics arising from simulation results.

    Developed by Michael Whitlock at The University of British Columbia.
    License: CC0.
  2. Calculator for a two-sample pooled-variance t-test:

    Two-Sample t-Test Calculator (Pooled-Variance)

    This web calculator conducts a pooled-variance t-test for a difference between two populations' means when standard deviations are unknown and equal. The calculator includes a video definition, an explanation of the formula and practice examples.

    Author: Statistics Kingdom.
  3. Calculator for a two-sample Welch's t-test:

    Two-Sample t-Test Calculator (Welch's t-Test)

    This web calculator conducts Welch's t-test for a difference between two populations' means when standard deviations are unknown and unequal. The calculator includes a video definition, an explanation of the formula and practice examples.

    Author: Statistics Kingdom.