
Normal Distribution

The normal distribution (also known as the Gaussian distribution) is arguably the most important distribution in Statistics. It is often used to represent continuous random variables occurring in nature. The Central Limit Theorem makes the normal distribution particularly useful.


  1. Visualizing the normal distribution:

    Visualizing the Normal Distribution

    This applet allows users to drag sliders to change the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution. The applet shows how changing these two values determines the shape and spread of the distribution curve.

    Author: © 2022 Milan Valasek, University of Sussex.
  2. Calculating probabilities on a normal distribution:

    Normal Distribution Calculator

    This web calculator allows users to specify the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the normal distribution, and choose a desired area. The calculator shows the area in grey, and returns the probability represented by the area. The calculator includes instructions for use.

    Author: David M. Lane.
  3. Sample means from a normally distributed population:

    Sampling from a Normally Distributed Population

    This wonderfully animated applet helps users understand the sample mean's properties, using simulated fish length data which is assumed to come from a normal distribution. Users can choose the sample size, population mean and population standard deviation. The applet animates how the sample is obtained, and calculates the resulting sample mean. After multiple sample means have been calculated, the sampling distribution of the sample means is shown.

    This applet also includes a convenient tutorial for users.

    Authors: Mike Whitlock and others, The University of British Columbia.
    License: CC0.