
Confidence Interval for a Mean

A confidence interval gives a range of estimates for an unknown parameter.


  1. Intuition behind confidence intervals:

    Confidence Intervals

    This applet allows users to drag sliders to change the confidence level and sample size. The applet helps users visualize the meaning of the phrase "C% confidence," by showing that C% of the samples result in confidence intervals that contain the true parameter value.

    Author: Statistical Applets.
  2. Visual introduction to confidence intervals:

    Seeing Theory: Confidence Interval

    This applet allows users to choose a distribution they want to use and drag sliders to change the sample size and confidence level. After clicking the "Start Sampling" button, the applet displays many estimates and counts how many of the resulting confidence intervals contain or exclude μ in the left side table.

    Author: Daniel Kunin, Jingru Guo, Tyler Dae Devlin and Daniel Xiang at Brown University.
    This visualization was adapted from Kristoffer Magnusson's fantastic visualization of confidence intervals.
  3. Another visualization of confidence intervals for a mean:

    Interactive Applet: Confidence Intervals for a Mean

    This applet helps users understand confidence intervals for the mean with simulated fish length data. Users can choose the sample size (n), mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ), and find many confidence intervals over many samples. This applet includes a helpful tutorial.

    Author: Mike Whitlock and others, The University of British Columbia.
    License: CC0.
  4. Confidence interval calculator:

    Confidence Interval Calculator

    This web calculator allows users to specify the desired number of observations, sample mean, standard deviation and confidence level. After finishing the steps, the calculator will show a confidence interval and explain its meaning. The calculator includes a formula showing how the confidence interval was calculated.

    Author: © 2021