Jiguo Cao, PhD, (How to pronounce my name?)
Canada Research Chair in Data Science,
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6
E-mail: jiguo_cao AT sfu.ca
Tel: (778) 782-7600
Office: Shrum Science Centre K10567
- Congratulations to my PhD student, Haixu (Alex) Wang, who started a tenure-track assistant professor position in 2023 at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada.
- Congratulations to my PhD student, Boyi Hu, who started a postdoctoral fellow position in 2023 at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
- Congratulations to my MSc student, Rina Wang, who started a Data Scientist position in 2024 at the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC).
- The 2022 International Workshop on Complex Functional Data Analysis will be held virtually at the School of Statistics and Management at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) on June 11-12, 2022 (Beijing time). Keynote speakers are Dr. Hans-Georg Müller (UC Davis), Dr. Jane-Ling Wang (UC Davis), Dr. Aurore Delaigle (University of Melbourne
) and Dr. Fang Yao (Beijing University).
Here is the detailed program.
The registration is free and is open now at https://www.wjx.top/vj/rXicKCI.aspx. After registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing the zoom link for attending the workshop. - It is my great honor to receive the CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics in 2021. This prize is jointly awarded by the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM). One of the highest national awards in Statistics, the CRM-SSC Prize recognizes a statistical scientist's excellence and accomplishments in research during the first fifteen years after earning his/her doctorate.
The citation for the award reads: “To Jiguo Cao for outstanding developments in modeling and analysis of functional data and dynamic systems; for broad work in numerous applications with special focus on statistical genetics; and for remarkable aptitude for creating and nurturing productive collaborations, particularly involving students and post-doctoral fellows.” More details can be found here.
Here is my CRM-SSC award talk given at the 2021 SSC meeting:
- I taught an eight-hour short course "Functional Data Analysis Using R" at the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) 2021 Applied Statistics Symposium on September 12, 2021.
Here is the recorded videos.
- Congratulations to my postdoc, Dr. Haolun Shi, who received a tenure-track assistant professor offer in 2020 from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
- Congratulations to my PhD student, Tianyu Guan, who received a tenure-track assistant professor offer in 2020 from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Brock University, Canada.
- Congratulations to my master student, Barinder Thind, who received an offer as Data Analyst from the Later Internet Company in 2020.
- My PhD student, Haixu (Alex) Wang, developed an R package pCODE for the estimation of an ordinary differential equation model by the parameter cascade Method. The package can be downloaded here.
- My PhD student, Peijun Sang, won the 2019 Pierre Robillard Award for his PhD thesis. This prize recognizes the best PhD thesis in probability or statistics defended at a Canadian university in a given year. Read more here.
- My PhD student, Jianghu Dong, received a Tenure-track assistant professor offer in 2019 at the Department of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA.
- My past MSc student, Zhenhua Lin, received a Tenure-track assistant professor offer in 2019 at Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore after obtaining his PhD at University of Toronto and doing postdoc at University of California, Davis.
- My PhD student, Peijun Sang, received a Tenure-track assistant professor offer in 2018 at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo.
- My past MSc student, Xin Liu, received a Tenure-track assistant professor offer in 2018 at School of Statistics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics after obtaining his PhD at University of Western Ontario.
- I taught a graduate course on functional data analysis in 2019 Spring. The recorded lectures are put in my youtube channel.