Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Companion for the OpenVMS Operating Environment

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OBS= data set option
CONCUR engine
OBS= system option
length, determining with CONTENTS procedure
specifying last
OLD external I/O option
online help
browser specification
online help files, specifying location
online training courses
Open dialog box
OpenVMS commands, reading from/writing to
OpenVMS directories
filerefs, assigning/deassigning
getting information about
number of information items
OpenVMS environment
access to
Alpha platform
file system
VAX platform
OpenVMS error codes, translating to text
OpenVMS logical names
concealed, expanding
OpenVMS process
file protection for
operating environment
error messages
operating environment commands, issuing
OPLIST system option
OPTIONS procedure
OPTIONS statement
customizing SAS sessions
ORACLE engine
Oracle Rdb engine
OSIRIS= data set option
OSIRIS engine
accessing OSIRIS files
assigning librefs to OSIRIS files
referencing OSIRIS files
referencing OSIRIS files, example
restrictions on
OSIRIS system files, converting to SAS data sets
OUT= data set option
out-of-resource conditions
default form for windowing environment
destination for printed output
line size
page size
record format
record length
output destination, specifying
output devices, assigning/deassigning filerefs
Output window, scrolling
output, routing
SEE: procedure output, routing
overstrike mode
OWNER access level

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