Introduction to Discriminant
Procedures |
Example: Contrasting Univariate and Multivariate Analyses
Consider the two classes indicated by
`H' and `O' in Figure 7.1.
The results are shown in Figure 7.2.
data random;
drop n;
Group = 'H';
do n = 1 to 20;
X = 4.5 + 2 * normal(57391);
Y = X + .5 + normal(57391);
Group = 'O';
do n = 1 to 20;
X = 6.25 + 2 * normal(57391);
Y = X - 1 + normal(57391);
symbol1 v='H' c=blue;
symbol2 v='O' c=yellow;
proc gplot;
plot Y*X=Group / cframe=ligr nolegend;
proc candisc anova;
class Group;
var X Y;
Figure 7.1: Groups for Contrasting Univariate and
Multivariate Analyses
Observations |
40 |
DF Total |
39 |
Variables |
2 |
DF Within Classes |
38 |
Classes |
2 |
DF Between Classes |
1 |
Class Level Information |
Group |
Variable Name |
Frequency |
Weight |
Proportion |
H |
H |
20 |
20.0000 |
0.500000 |
O |
O |
20 |
20.0000 |
0.500000 |
Figure 7.2: Contrasting Univariate and Multivariate Analyses
Univariate Test Statistics |
F Statistics, Num DF=1, Den DF=38 |
Variable |
Total Standard Deviation |
Pooled Standard Deviation |
Between Standard Deviation |
R-Square |
R-Square / (1-RSq) |
F Value |
Pr > F |
X |
2.1776 |
2.1498 |
0.6820 |
0.0503 |
0.0530 |
2.01 |
0.1641 |
Y |
2.4215 |
2.4486 |
0.2047 |
0.0037 |
0.0037 |
0.14 |
0.7105 |
Average R-Square |
Unweighted |
0.0269868 |
Weighted by Variance |
0.0245201 |
Multivariate Statistics and Exact F Statistics |
S=1 M=0 N=17.5 |
Statistic |
Value |
F Value |
Num DF |
Den DF |
Pr > F |
Wilks' Lambda |
0.64203704 |
10.31 |
2 |
37 |
0.0003 |
Pillai's Trace |
0.35796296 |
10.31 |
2 |
37 |
0.0003 |
Hotelling-Lawley Trace |
0.55754252 |
10.31 |
2 |
37 |
0.0003 |
Roy's Greatest Root |
0.55754252 |
10.31 |
2 |
37 |
0.0003 |
Canonical Correlation |
Adjusted Canonical Correlation |
Approximate Standard Error |
Squared Canonical Correlation |
Eigenvalues of Inv(E)*H = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq) |
Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the current row and all that follow are zero |
Eigenvalue |
Difference |
Proportion |
Cumulative |
Likelihood Ratio |
Approximate F Value |
Num DF |
Den DF |
Pr > F |
1 |
0.598300 |
0.589467 |
0.102808 |
0.357963 |
0.5575 |
1.0000 |
1.0000 |
0.64203704 |
10.31 |
2 |
37 |
0.0003 |
The F statistic is exact. |
Total Canonical Structure |
Variable |
Can1 |
X |
-0.374883 |
Y |
0.101206 |
Between Canonical Structure |
Variable |
Can1 |
X |
-1.000000 |
Y |
1.000000 |
Pooled Within Canonical Structure |
Variable |
Can1 |
X |
-0.308237 |
Y |
0.081243 |
Total-Sample Standardized Canonical Coefficients |
Variable |
Can1 |
X |
-2.625596855 |
Y |
2.446680169 |
Pooled Within-Class Standardized Canonical Coefficients |
Variable |
Can1 |
X |
-2.592150014 |
Y |
2.474116072 |
Raw Canonical Coefficients |
Variable |
Can1 |
X |
-1.205756217 |
Y |
1.010412967 |
Class Means on Canonical Variables |
Group |
Can1 |
H |
0.7277811475 |
O |
-.7277811475 |
The univariate R2s are very small, 0.0503 for X and
0.0037 for Y, and neither variable shows a significant
difference between the classes at the 0.10 level.
The multivariate test for differences between
the classes is significant at the 0.0003 level.
Thus, the multivariate analysis has found a highly
significant difference, whereas the univariate
analyses failed to achieve even the 0.10 level.
The Raw Canonical Coefficients for the first canonical variable, Can1,
show that the classes differ most widely on the linear combination
-1.205756217 X + 1.010412967 Y or approximately Y -
1.2 X.
The R2 between Can1 and the class variable is
0.357963 as given by the Squared Canonical Correlation,
which is much higher than either univariate R2.
In this example, the variables are
highly correlated within classes.
If the within-class correlation were smaller,
there would be greater agreement between
the univariate and multivariate analyses.
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