Nonlinear Growth Curves with Gaussian Data
As an introductory example, consider the orange tree data of Draper
and Smith (1981). These data consist of seven measurements of the
trunk circumference (in millimeters) on each of five orange trees.
You can input these data into a SAS data set as follows:
data tree;
input tree day y;
1 118 30
1 484 58
1 664 87
1 1004 115
1 1231 120
1 1372 142
1 1582 145
2 118 33
2 484 69
2 664 111
2 1004 156
2 1231 172
2 1372 203
2 1582 203
3 118 30
3 484 51
3 664 75
3 1004 108
3 1231 115
3 1372 139
3 1582 140
4 118 32
4 484 62
4 664 112
4 1004 167
4 1231 179
4 1372 209
4 1582 214
5 118 30
5 484 49
5 664 81
5 1004 125
5 1231 142
5 1372 174
5 1582 177
Lindstrom and Bates (1990) and Pinheiro and Bates (1995) propose the
following logistic nonlinear mixed model for these data:
yij = [(b1 + ui1)/(1 + exp[-(dij - b2)/ b3])] + eij
Here, yij represents the jth measurement on the ith tree
(i = 1, ... ,5; j = 1, ... ,7), dij is the corresponding day,
b1,b2,b3 are the fixed-effects parameters, ui1 are the
random-effect parameters assumed to be iid , and eij
are the residual errors assumed to be iid and
independent of the ui1. This model has a logistic form, and the
random-effect parameters ui1 enter the model linearly.
The statements to fit this nonlinear mixed model are as follows:
proc nlmixed data=tree;
parms b1=190 b2=700 b3=350 s2u=1000 s2e=60;
num = b1+u1;
ex = exp(-(day-b2)/b3);
den = 1 + ex;
model y ~ normal(num/den,s2e);
random u1 ~ normal(0,s2u) subject=tree;
The PROC NLMIXED statement invokes the procedure and inputs the TREE
data set. The PARMS statement identifies the unknown parameters and
their starting values. Here there are three fixed-effects parameters
(B1, B2, B3) and two variance components (S2U, S2E).
The next three statements are SAS programming statements specifying
the logistic mixed model. A new variable U1 is included to identify
the random effect. These statements are evaluated for every
observation in the data set when PROC NLMIXED computes the log
likelihood function and its derivatives.
The MODEL statement defines the dependent variable and its conditional
distribution given the random effects. Here a normal (Gaussian)
conditional distribution is specified with mean NUM/DEN and variance
The RANDOM statement defines the single random effect to be U1, and
specifies that it follows a normal distribution with mean 0 and
variance S2U. The SUBJECT= argument defines a variable indicating
when the random effect obtains new realizations; in this case, it
changes according to the values of the TREE variable. PROC NLMIXED
assumes that the input data set is clustered according to the levels
of the TREE variable; that is, all observations from the same tree
occur sequentially in the input data set.
The output from this analysis is as follows.
Specifications |
Data Set |
Dependent Variable |
y |
Distribution for Dependent Variable |
Normal |
Random Effects |
u1 |
Distribution for Random Effects |
Normal |
Subject Variable |
tree |
Optimization Technique |
Dual Quasi-Newton |
Integration Method |
Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature |
The "Specifications" table lists some basic information about
the nonlinear mixed model you have specified. Included are the input
data set, dependent and subject variables, random effects, relevant
distributions, and type of optimization.
Dimensions |
Observations Used |
35 |
Observations Not Used |
0 |
Total Observations |
35 |
Subjects |
5 |
Max Obs Per Subject |
7 |
Parameters |
5 |
Quadrature Points |
1 |
The "Dimensions" table lists various counts related to the
model, including the number of observations, subjects, and
parameters. These quantities are useful for checking that you have
specified your data set and model correctly. Also listed is the number
of quadrature points that PROC NLMIXED has selected based on the
evaluation of the log likelihood at the starting values of the
parameters. Here, only one quadrature point is necessary because the
random-effect parameters ui1 enter the model linearly.
Parameters |
b1 |
b2 |
b3 |
s2u |
s2e |
NegLogLike |
190 |
700 |
350 |
1000 |
60 |
132.491787 |
The "Parameters" table lists the parameters to be estimated,
their starting values, and the negative log likelihood evaluated at
the starting values.
Iteration History |
Iter |
Calls |
NegLogLike |
Diff |
MaxGrad |
Slope |
1 |
4 |
131.686742 |
0.805045 |
0.010269 |
-0.633 |
2 |
6 |
131.64466 |
0.042082 |
0.014783 |
-0.0182 |
3 |
8 |
131.614077 |
0.030583 |
0.009809 |
-0.02796 |
4 |
10 |
131.572522 |
0.041555 |
0.001186 |
-0.01344 |
5 |
11 |
131.571895 |
0.000627 |
0.0002 |
-0.00121 |
6 |
13 |
131.571889 |
5.549E-6 |
0.000092 |
-7.68E-6 |
7 |
15 |
131.571888 |
1.096E-6 |
6.097E-6 |
-1.29E-6 |
NOTE: GCONV convergence criterion satisfied. |
The "Iterations" table records the history of the minimization
of the negative log likelihood. For each iteration of the
quasi-Newton optimization, values are listed for the number of
function calls, the value of the negative log likelihood, the
difference from the previous iteration, the absolute value of the
largest gradient, and the slope of the search direction. The note at
the bottom of the table indicates that the algorithm has converged
successfully according to the GCONV convergence criterion, a standard
criterion computed using a quadratic form in the gradient and inverse
Fit Statistics |
-2 Log Likelihood |
263.1 |
AIC (smaller is better) |
273.1 |
BIC (smaller is better) |
271.2 |
Log Likelihood |
-131.6 |
AIC (larger is better) |
-136.6 |
BIC (larger is better) |
-135.6 |
The"Fitting Information" table lists the final maximized value
of the log likelihood as well as the information criteria of Akaike
and Schwarz in two different forms. These statistics can be used to
compare different nonlinear mixed models.
Parameter Estimates |
Parameter |
Estimate |
Standard Error |
DF |
t Value |
Pr > |t| |
Alpha |
Lower |
Upper |
Gradient |
b1 |
192.05 |
15.6473 |
4 |
12.27 |
0.0003 |
0.05 |
148.61 |
235.50 |
1.154E-6 |
b2 |
727.90 |
35.2472 |
4 |
20.65 |
<.0001 |
0.05 |
630.04 |
825.76 |
5.289E-6 |
b3 |
348.07 |
27.0790 |
4 |
12.85 |
0.0002 |
0.05 |
272.88 |
423.25 |
-6.1E-6 |
s2u |
999.88 |
647.44 |
4 |
1.54 |
0.1974 |
0.05 |
-797.70 |
2797.45 |
-3.84E-6 |
s2e |
61.5139 |
15.8831 |
4 |
3.87 |
0.0179 |
0.05 |
17.4153 |
105.61 |
2.892E-6 |
The "Parameter Estimates" table lists the maximum likelihood
estimates of the five parameters and their approximate standard errors
computed using the final Hessian matrix. Approximate t-values and
Wald-type confidence limits are also provided, with degrees of freedom
equal to the number of subjects minus the number of random effects.
You should interpret these statistics cautiously for variance
parameters like S2U and S2E. The final column in the output is the
gradient vector at the optimization solution. Each element appears to
be sufficiently small to indicate a stationary point.
Since the random-effect parameters ui1 enter the model linearly,
you can obtain equivalent results by using the first-order method
(specify METHOD=FIRO in the PROC NLMIXED statement).
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