SAS Component Language: Reference |
For details about these new language elements, see
SAS Component Language Dictionary.
- ATTRN function
- now provides the NLOBSF option, which returns
the number of logical rows (those not marked for deletion) in a SAS table
when an active WHERE clause is applied. Also, the new ICONST option provides
information about integrity constraints for generation data sets, and the
GENMAX and GENNEXT options provide information about generation numbers.
- CONTROL statement
- now provides a new option, HALTONDOTATTRIBUTE,
which enables you to specify whether your application halts execution if SCL
detects an error in the dot notation.
- DELETE function
- now provides the FILE type for deleting
external files or directories.
- ENTRY statement
- now enables you to specify the parameter
modifiers INPUT, UPDATE, and OUTPUT. In Version 6, all parameters were treated
as if they were UPDATE parameters.
- FILEDIALOG function
- now provides a DESCRIPTION option for each
filter that you specify so that you can provide a description of each filter.
- FONTSEL function
- can now open the portable font selector
for hardware fonts, using the new 'H' font-selector option.
- GETLATTR function
- can now return the value of the HONORCASE|IGNORECASE
attribute, which specifies whether character values are stored in the case
in which they are entered or whether they are stored in uppercase.
- METHOD statement
- now enables you to specify an access scope
for methods. You can specify PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or PROTECTED. All Version 6
methods were treated as PUBLIC methods. Also, you can specify the parameter
modifiers INPUT, UPDATE, or OUTPUT in the argument list. All Version 6 parameters
were treated as UPDATE parameters.
- NAMEDITEM function
- now enables you to specify whether a search
is case sensitive.
- RENAME function
- now provides the FILE option for renaming
external files or directories.
- SETLATTR function
- now provides the HONORCASE|IGNORECASE attribute,
which specifies whether character values are stored in the case in which they
are entered or whether they are stored in uppercase.
In addition, most data set functions that take a data
set name as a parameter have been enhanced to support generation data sets. Generation data sets enable you to keep multiple copies of
a SAS data set. Refer to
SAS Language Reference: Concepts for more information on generation data sets.
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.