Chapter Contents


SAS Component Language: Reference

New Language Elements

For details about these new language elements, see SAS Component Language Dictionary.

[IMAGE] CATCH statement
defines the actions that SCL takes when a specific exception is raised.

CLASS statement
enables you to use SCL to create a SAS/AF class and to define all the properties for the class, including attributes, methods, events, and interfaces.

enables you to compare two arrays for size and data equality.

compares two SCL lists. This comparison can include item names, values, or both.

enables you to copy data from one array into another array.

CREATESCL function
writes a class definition from a CLASS or INTERFACE catalog entry to a CLASS or INTERFACE statement in an SCL entry.

[IMAGE] CREATESCL will also write a class package definition from a CLASSPKG entry to a PACKAGE statement in an SCL entry and generate proxy classes.

DCREATE function
creates a directory on the user's host operating system.

DECLARE statement
declares a variable of any type, including the new CHAR, NUM, LIST and OBJECT types. (By contrast, the LENGTH statement can declare only unnamed numeric and character variables.)

deletes a dynamic array.

DIALOG function
runs a FRAME entry and disables all other windows when the FRAME window opens.

[IMAGE] GETVARF function
assigns the formatted value of a SAS table column to an SCL character variable.

IMPORT statement
defines a search path for references to CLASS entries in an SCL program so that you can refer to a class by its one- or two-level name instead of having to specify the four-level name each time.

INITROW function
initializes the table data vector (TDV) to missing values. This prevents bad data from being written to a row of a SAS table when values are not explicitly assigned to columns and you use the APPEND function with the NOINIT option.

INTERFACE statement
specifies the design of an interface.

[IMAGE] ITEM statement
specifies a class on the server that can be accessed by applications on the client.

creates an array of the given size and initializes all of the elements in the array either to missing (for numeric elements) or blank (for character elements).

displays a host message box that can contain an icon, buttons, and message text. MESSAGEBOX returns the user's selection.

returns the number of parts in a two- to four-level compound name as well as the values of each part.

NAMEMERGE function
merges two to four name parts into a compound name.

_NEO_ operator
provides a faster and more direct way to create an object. This operator combines the actions of loading a class (using LOADCLASS) and initializing the object with the _new method, which invokes the object's _init method.

_NEW_ operator
creates an object and runs the associated class constructor.

displays a list of entries in SAS catalogs and returns the user's selection.

displays a list of SAS files and returns the user's selection.

[IMAGE] PACKAGE statement
defines a group of classes whose metadata must be recognized by objects that are defined on the client.

[IMAGE] REDIM function
resizes a dynamic array.

enables you to implement a Save As choice by displaying a dialog box that lists entries in SAS catalogs and returns the selected catalog name.

enables you to implement a Save As choice by displaying a dialog box that lists SAS files and returning the selected filename.

displays a selection list of icons and returns the number that identifies the selected icon.

aborts a pending submit transaction.

[IMAGE] THROW statement
raises an exception.

UNIQUENUM function
returns a number that is unique for each call to the function during a SAS session.

USECLASS statement
binds methods that are implemented within it to the specified class definition.

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