Constructing Charts for Nonconformities per Unit (u Charts)
The following notation is used in this section:
u | expected number of nonconformities
per unit produced by process |
ui | number of nonconformities
per unit in the i th subgroup.
In general, ui = ci/ni. |
ci | total number of nonconformities in the
i th subgroup |
ni | number of inspection units in the i th
subgroup |
 | average number of nonconformities per unit taken
across subgroups. The quantity is computed
as a weighted average:

N | number of subgroups |
 | has a central distribution with degrees of freedom |
Plotted Points
Each point on a u chart indicates the
number of nonconformities per unit (ui) in a subgroup.
For example, Figure 41.10 displays three sections of pipeline
that are inspected for defective welds (indicated by an
X). Each section represents a subgroup composed
of a number of inspection units, which are 1000-foot-long
sections. The number of units in the i th
subgroup is denoted by ni, which is
the subgroup sample size.
Figure 41.10: Terminology for c Charts and u Charts
The number of nonconformities in the i th
subgroup is denoted by ci. The number of nonconformities
per unit in the i th subgroup is
denoted by ui=ci/ni. In Figure 41.10, the number
of defective welds per unit in the third subgroup is u3=2/2.5=0.8.
A u chart plots the quantity
ui for the i th subgroup.
A c chart plots the quantity
ci for the i th subgroup
(see Chapter 33, "CCHART Statement").
An advantage of a u chart is that the value of the central
line at the i th subgroup does not depend
on ni. This is not the case for a c chart, and consequently,
a u chart is often preferred when the number of units ni
is not constant across subgroups.
On a u chart, the central line indicates an estimate of u,
which is computed as
by default.
If you specify a known value (u0) for u,
the central line indicates the value of u0.
You can compute the limits in the following ways:
- as a specified multiple (k) of the standard error of
ui above and below the central line.
The default limits are computed
with k=3 (these are referred to as
- as probability limits defined in terms of
, a specified probability that ui exceeds the limits
The lower and upper control limits, LCLU and UCLU, respectively, are
given by

The limits vary with ni.
The upper probability limit UCLU for ui can be
determined using the fact that

The limit UCLU is then calculated by setting

and solving for UCLU.
Likewise, the lower probability limit LCLC for ui can be
determined using the fact that

The limit LCLC is then calculated by setting

and solving for LCLC. For more information, refer to
Johnson, Kotz, and Kemp (1992). This assumes that the process is in
statistical control and that ci has a Poisson distribution.
Note that the probability limits vary with ni
and are asymmetric around the central line.
If a standard value u0 is available for u, replace
with u0 in the formulas for the control limits.
You can specify parameters for the limits as follows:
- Specify k with the SIGMAS= option
or with the variable _SIGMAS_ in a LIMITS=
data set.
- Specify
with the ALPHA= option
or with the variable _ALPHA_ in a LIMITS= data set.
- Specify a constant nominal sample size
for the
control limits with the LIMITN= option or with the
variable _LIMITN_ in a LIMITS= data set.
- Specify u0 with the U0= option or with the
variable _U_ in a LIMITS= data set.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.