Example 3.1: An Oil Blending Problem
The blending problem presented in the introduction
is a good example for demonstrating some of the features
of the LP procedure.
Recall that a step in refining
crude oil into finished oil products involves a distillation
process that splits crude into various streams.
Suppose that there are three types of crude available: Arabian light,
Arabian heavy, and Brega.
These are distilled into light naphtha, intermediate naphtha, and heating oil.
Using one of two recipes, these in turn are blended into jet fuel.
Assume that you can sell as much fuel as is produced.
What production strategy maximizes the profit from jet fuel sales?
The following SAS code demonstrates a way of answering this
question using linear programming.
The SAS data set is a representation of the formulation
for this model given in the introductory section.
input _row_ $14.
a_light a_heavy brega naphthal naphthai heatingo jet_1
jet_2 _type_ $ _rhs_;
profit -175 -165 -205 0 0 0 300 300 max .
naphtha_l_conv .035 .030 .045 -1 0 0 0 0 eq 0
naphtha_i_conv .100 .075 .135 0 -1 0 0 0 eq 0
heating_o_conv .390 .300 .430 0 0 -1 0 0 eq 0
recipe_1 0 0 0 0 .3 .7 -1 0 eq 0
recipe_2 0 0 0 .2 0 .8 0 -1 eq 0
available 110 165 80 . . . . . upperbd .
proc lp;
The _ROW_ variable contains the names of the rows in the model;
the variables A_LIGHT to JET_2 are the names of the structural
variables in the model;
the _TYPE_ variable contains the keywords that tell the LP
procedure how to interpret each row in the model; and the
_RHS_ variable gives the value of the right-hand-side constants.
The structural variables are interpreted as the
quantity of each type of constituent or finished product.
For example, the value of A_HEAVY in the solution is the amount
of Arabian heavy crude to buy while the value of JET_1 in the
solution is the amount of recipe 1 jet fuel that is produced.
As discussed previously, the values given in the model data set are
the technological coefficients whose interpretation depends on
the model. In this example, the coefficient -175 in the PROFIT
row for the variable A_LIGHT gives a cost coefficient (because
the row with_ROW_=PROFIT has _TYPE_=MAX) for the
structural variable A_LIGHT.
This means that for each unit of Arabian heavy crude
purchased, a cost of 175 units is incurred.
The coefficients 0.035, 0.100, and 0.390 for the A_LIGHT variable
give the percentages of each unit of Arabian light crude that
is distilled into the light naphtha, intermediate naphtha, and
heating oil components.
The 110 value in the row _ROW_=AVAILABLE
gives the quantity of Arabian light that is available.
PROC LP produces the following Problem Summary
Included in the summary is an identification of the objective,
defined by the first observation of the problem data set;
the right-hand-side variable, defined by the variable _RHS_; and the
type identifier, defined by the variable _TYPE_.
See Output 3.1.1.
Output 3.1.1: Problem Summary for the Oil Blending Problem
Problem Summary |
Objective Function |
Max profit |
Rhs Variable |
_rhs_ |
Type Variable |
_type_ |
Problem Density (%) |
45.00 |
Variables |
Number |
Non-negative |
5 |
Upper Bounded |
3 |
Total |
8 |
Constraints |
Number |
EQ |
5 |
Objective |
1 |
Total |
6 |
The next section of output (Output 3.1.2) contains the
Solution Summary, which
indicates whether or not an optimal solution was found.
In this example, the procedure terminates successfully (with
an optimal solution), with 1544 as the value of the objective function.
Also included in this section of output is the number of
phase 1 and phase 2 iterations, the number of variables used in
the initial basic feasible solution, and the time used to
solve the problem. For several options specified in the PROC LP
statement, the current option values are also displayed.
Output 3.1.2: Solution Summary for the Oil Blending Problem
Solution Summary |
Terminated Successfully |
Objective Value |
1544 |
Phase 1 Iterations |
0 |
Phase 2 Iterations |
7 |
Phase 3 Iterations |
0 |
Integer Iterations |
0 |
Integer Solutions |
0 |
Initial Basic Feasible Variables |
2 |
Time Used (seconds) |
0 |
Number of Inversions |
2 |
Epsilon |
1E-8 |
Infinity |
1.797693E308 |
Maximum Phase 1 Iterations |
100 |
Maximum Phase 2 Iterations |
100 |
Maximum Phase 3 Iterations |
99999999 |
Maximum Integer Iterations |
100 |
Time Limit (seconds) |
120 |
The next section of output (Output 3.1.3) contains the
Variable Summary.
A line is displayed for
each variable in the mathematical program with
the variable name, the status of the variable in the solution,
the type of variable, the variable's price
coefficient, the activity of the
variable in the solution, and the reduced cost for the variable.
The status of a variable can be
- if the variable is a basic variable in the solution
- if the variable is a basic variable whose activity
is at its input lower bound
- if the variable is nonbasic and is basic in
an alternate optimal solution
- if the variable is nonbasic and is at its lower bound
- if the variable is nonbasic and is at its upper bound
The TYPE column shows how PROC LP interprets the variable
in the problem data set. Types include the following:
- if the variable is a nonnegative variable with lower bound
0 and upper bound +INFINITY
- if the variable has a lower bound specified in a LOWERBD
observation and upper bound +INFINITY
- if the variable has an upper bound that is less than
+INFINITY and lower bound 0
This upper bound is specified in an UPPERBD observation
- if the variable has a lower bound specified in a LOWERBD
observation and an upper bound specified in an UPPERBD observation
- if the variable is constrained to take integer values.
If this is the case, then it must also be upper and lower bounded
- if the variable is constrained to take value 0 or 1
- if the variable is an unrestricted variable having bounds
- if the variable is a slack variable that
PROC LP has appended to a LE constraint.
For variables of this type, the variable name
is the same as the name of the constraint (given in the ROW variable)
for which this variable is the slack.
A nonzero slack variable indicates that the constraint is not tight.
The slack is the amount by which the right-hand side of the
constraint exceeds the left-hand side.
- if the variable is a surplus variable that PROC LP
has appended to a GE constraint.
For variables of this type,
the variable name is the same as the name of the constraint
(given in the ROW variable) for which this variable is the surplus.
A nonzero surplus variable indicates that the constraint is not tight.
The surplus is the amount by which the left-hand side of the
constraint exceeds the right-hand side.
The Variable Summary gives the value of the structural
variables at optimality.
In this example, it tells you how
to produce the jet fuel to maximize your profit.
You should buy 110 units of A_LIGHT and 80 units of BREGA.
These are used to make 7.45 units of NAPHTHAL, 21.8 units of NAPHTHAI,
and 77.3 units of HEATINGO.
These in turn are used to make 60.65 units of JET_1 using
recipe 1 and 63.33 units of JET_2 using recipe 2.
Output 3.1.3: Variable Summary for the Oil Blending Problem
Variable Summary |
Col |
Variable Name |
Status |
Type |
Price |
Activity |
Reduced Cost |
1 |
a_light |
-175 |
110 |
11.6 |
2 |
a_heavy |
-165 |
0 |
-21.45 |
3 |
brega |
-205 |
80 |
3.35 |
4 |
naphthal |
0 |
7.45 |
0 |
5 |
naphthai |
0 |
21.8 |
0 |
6 |
heatingo |
0 |
77.3 |
0 |
7 |
jet_1 |
300 |
60.65 |
0 |
8 |
jet_2 |
300 |
63.33 |
0 |
The reduced cost associated with each
nonbasic variable is the marginal value
of that variable if it is brought into the basis.
In other words, the objective function value would
(assuming no constraints were violated) increase by the
reduced cost of a nonbasic variable if that variable's value
increased by one.
Similarly, the objective function value would (assuming no
constraints were violated) decrease by the reduced cost of
a nonbasic variable if that variable's value were decreased by one.
Basic variables always have a zero reduced cost.
At optimality, for a maximization problem, nonbasic
variables that are not at an upper bound have nonpositive reduced
costs (for example, A_HEAVY has a reduced cost of -21.45).
The objective would
decrease if they were to increase beyond their optimal values.
Nonbasic variables at upper bounds have nonnegative reduced costs,
showing that increasing the upper bound (if the reduced cost is not zero)
does not decrease the objective.
For a nonbasic variable at its upper bound, the reduced
cost is the marginal value of increasing its upper bound, often called
its shadow price.
For minimization problems, the definition of reduced costs remain the
same but the conditions for optimality change. For example, at
optimality the reduced costs of all non upper-bounded variables are
nonnegative, and the reduced costs of upper-bounded variables at their
upper bound are nonpositive.
The next section of output (Output 3.1.4) contains the
Constraint Summary.
For each constraint row, free row, and objective row, a line is
displayed in the Constraint Summary.
Included on the line are the constraint name, the
row type, the slack or surplus variable associated with the row, the
right-hand-side constant associated with the row, the activity of the
row (not including the activity of the slack and surplus variables), and
the dual activity (shadow prices).
A dual variable is associated with each constraint row.
At optimality, the value of this variable, the dual activity, tells you the
marginal value of the right-hand-side constant.
For each unit increase in the right-hand-side constant,
the objective changes by this amount.
This quantity is also known as the shadow price.
For example, the marginal value for the right-hand-side constant of
constraint HEATING_O_CONV is -450.0.
Output 3.1.4: Constraint Summary for the Oil Blending Problem
Constraint Summary |
Row |
Constraint Name |
Type |
S/S Col |
Rhs |
Activity |
Dual Activity |
1 |
profit |
. |
0 |
1544 |
. |
2 |
naphtha_l_conv |
EQ |
. |
0 |
0 |
-60 |
3 |
naphtha_i_conv |
EQ |
. |
0 |
0 |
-90 |
4 |
heating_o_conv |
EQ |
. |
0 |
0 |
-450 |
5 |
recipe_1 |
EQ |
. |
0 |
0 |
-300 |
6 |
recipe_2 |
EQ |
. |
0 |
0 |
-300 |
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