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It is straightforward to construct the SSM of the real GNP series.
The LIK module computes the average log likelihood function. First, the average log likelihood function is computed using the default initial values: Z0=0 and VZ0=106I. The second call of module LIK produces the average log likelihood function with the given initial conditions: Z0=0 and VZ0=10-3I. You can notice a sizable difference between the uncertain initial condition (VZ0=106I) and the almost deterministic initial condition (VZ0=10-3I) in Output 10.2.1.
Finally, the first 15 observations of one-step predictions, filtered values, and real GNP series are produced under the moderate initial condition (VZ0=10I). The data are the annual real GNP for the years 1909 to 1969.
title 'Likelihood Evaluation of SSM'; title2 'DATA: Annual Real GNP 1909-1969'; data gnp; input y @@; datalines; 116.8 120.1 123.2 130.2 131.4 125.6 124.5 134.3 135.2 151.8 146.4 139.0 127.8 147.0 165.9 165.5 179.4 190.0 189.8 190.9 203.6 183.5 169.3 144.2 141.5 154.3 169.5 193.0 203.2 192.9 209.4 227.2 263.7 297.8 337.1 361.3 355.2 312.6 309.9 323.7 324.1 355.3 383.4 395.1 412.8 406.0 438.0 446.1 452.5 447.3 475.9 487.7 497.2 529.8 551.0 581.1 617.8 658.1 675.2 706.6 724.7 ; proc iml; start lik(y,a,b,f,h,var,z0,vz0); nz = nrow(f); n = nrow(y); k = ncol(y); const = k*log(8*atan(1)); if ( sum(z0 = .) | sum(vz0 = .) ) then call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,0,a,f,b,h,var); else call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,0,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0); et = y - pred*h`; sum1 = 0; sum2 = 0; do i = 1 to n; vpred_i = vpred[(i-1)*nz+1:i*nz,]; et_i = et[i,]; ft = h*vpred_i*h` + var[nz+1:nz+k,nz+1:nz+k]; sum1 = sum1 + log(det(ft)); sum2 = sum2 + et_i*inv(ft)*et_i`; end; return(-const-.5*(sum1+sum2)/n); finish;
start main; use gnp; read all var {y}; f = {1 1, 0 1}; h = {1 0}; a = j(nrow(f),1,0); b = j(nrow(h),1,0); var = diag(j(1,nrow(f)+ncol(y),1e-3)); /*-- initial values are computed --*/ z0 = j(1,nrow(f),.); vz0 = j(nrow(f),nrow(f),.); logl = lik(y,a,b,f,h,var,z0,vz0); print 'No initial values are given', logl; /*-- initial values are given --*/ z0 = j(1,nrow(f),0); vz0 = 1e-3#i(nrow(f)); logl = lik(y,a,b,f,h,var,z0,vz0); print 'Initial values are given', logl; z0 = j(1,nrow(f),0); vz0 = 10#i(nrow(f)); call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,1,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0); print y pred filt; finish; run;
Output 10.2.1: Average Log Likelihood of SSM
Output 10.2.2 shows the observed data, the predicted state vectors, and the filtered state vectors for the first 16 observations.
Output 10.2.2: Filtering and One-Step Prediction
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