Chapter Contents




Retrieve properties about one or more agents.

Syntax Description
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4


CALL SEND(agentInst, '_getAgentProperties ', agentList, rList, rc);

Syntax Description

Where... Is type... And represents...
agentList L list of agents
rList L resulting properties list
rc N return code

_getAgentProperties method
retrieves agent properties for a specific agent or multiple agents with the use of the wildcard character (*).

indicates the targeted agents. This is an SCL list that must contain the named items AGENT_NAME and COLLECTION_NAME. The values of these named items must be character strings that indicate which agent and collections are to be used. You can specify an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in order to retrieve information about more than one agent. The wildcard character can be specified by itself (*), at the beginning of the value (*value), or at the end of the value (value*).

Note:   In addition, the named item USER_NAME can optionally be specified to further subset the request by only returning those agents that are owned by the specified user name. The wildcard character can also be used for the user name specification.  [cautionend]

is the agent(s) properties list returned from the method call. This parameter should be initialized as an empty SCL list. Upon completion of the _getAgentProperties method, rList contains a list for each agent that matches the specified criteria. Each list within rList contains the following named items:

In addition, each list may contain one or more of the following named items, depending on how the agent was defined. Only defined properties are returned. For example, if the agent is defined without a description, the named item DESCRIPTOR will not exist.

identifies whether the properties of the agent were returned successfully.

Example 1

The following example retrieves properties for all agents in all collections.

rc = setnitemc(alist, '*', 'AGENT_NAME');
rc = setnitemc(alist, '*', 'COLLECTION_NAME');
call send(agent, '_getAgentProperties', 
          alist, rlist, rc);

Example 2

The following example retrieves properties for all agents named EMPLOYEE in all collections that end in TEXAS.

rc = setnitemc(alist, 'Employee', 'AGENT_NAME');
rc = setnitemc(alist, '*texas', 'COLLECTION_NAME');
call send(agent, '_getAgentProperties', 
          alist, rlist, rc);

Example 3

The following example retrieves properties for all agents that start with PROD that are in the CARY collection.

rc = setnitemc(alist, 'Prod*', 'AGENT_NAME');
rc = setnitemc(alist, 'Cary', 'COLLECTION_NAME');
call send(agent, '_getAgentProperties', 
          alist, rlist, rc);

Example 4

The following example retrieves properties for all agents that are owned by the user USER3.

rc = setnitemc(alist, '*', 'AGENT_NAME');
rc = setnitemc(alist, '*', 'COLLECTION_NAME');
rc = setnitemc(alist, 'USER3', 'USER_NAME');
call send(agent, '_getAgentProperties', 
          alist, rlist, rc);

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