Chapter Contents


Data Set Data Model: _copyRow

Data Set Data Model: _copyRow

Copies the locked row as a pending row



CALL SEND (object-id, '_copyRow');


The _copyRow method is an editing method and is not valid when

If there is an attached viewer, you are placed on the pending row.

The _copyRow method does not actually add the new row to the table. The add is pending until

To cancel the pending row, use the _reread or _rereadAll method, or use the Cancel Row Edits item on the pop-up menu.

If there is an attached viewer, then you are placed on the pending row. If you are using the Data Form and the attached viewer is the form editor, then the _copyRow method copies the currently displayed row. If you are using the Data Table and the attached viewer is the table editor, then you must lock the row to be copied.

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