SAS/ACCESS Software for Relational Databases: Reference |
CA-OpenIngres database objects that can be named include tables,
views, columns, indexes, and database procedures. Use the following CA-OpenIngres
naming conventions:
- A database name cannot begin with
an underscore.
- A name starts with a letter or an underscore.
Names cannot begin with numbers or special characters such as #, @, $.
- A name can be from 1 to 24 characters long. Objects
that are managed by the CA-OpenIngres user interfaces (QBF, RBF, ABF, and
Vifred) can be up to 32 characters.
- A name can contain the letters A through Z, the
digits 0 through 9, the underscore (_), the dollar sign ($), the pound sign
(#), and the at sign (@). (Although dollar signs are permitted in names,
they are also used in some operating system-supplied names. To avoid conflicts
with these names, it is recommended that you not use dollar signs in your
table, view, column, or index names.)
- Case significance is determined by the setting
with which the database is created: CA-OpenIngres or ANSI/ISO Entry SQL-92-compliant.
The default for CA-OpenIngres is lowercase, and the default for ANSI/ISO Entry
SQL-92-compliant is uppercase.
- A table name cannot begin with ii or sq, which
are reserved table names for use by CA-OpenIngres.
- A name may not be the same as another CA-OpenIngres
database object that has the same type.
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.