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SAS/ACCESS Software for Relational Databases: Reference |
For details about how to use the PROC SQL statements, see SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility Statements. The following section describes the DBMS-specific arguments that you use in the CONNECT statement.
Arguments to Connect to CA-OpenIngres |
CONNECT TO INGRES <AS alias> (DATABASE=<v-node::>database-name</server-type>); |
If you use a remote database, you enter the remote virtual node name. If you use a distributed database, you enter the database server type. If you use a remote distributed database, you enter the remote virtual node name and server type. The arguments for the DATABASE= field are
v-node | is the name of the remote virtual node where the database is located. It implies that the network node address and protocol have been defined by the NETU utility that is provided by CA-OpenIngres. For more information on the NETU utility, refer to your CA-OpenIngres/Net user's and administrator's guide. |
database-name | is the name of the database. |
server-type | is the type of server that is being
accessed at the local or remote site. Valid server types are
INGRES for a CA-OpenIngres DBMS server or
STAR for the CA-OpenIngres/Star
server. (You can replace
/STAR with its alias,
/D .)
If you omit a server type, the default server type, INGRES, for the CA-OpenIngres
DBMS is used. |
The following example connects to CA-OpenIngres by using the alias ING1 and sends an EXECUTE statement. The distributed database name is TEXTILEDB, and it is located on a virtual node that is named TXTNODE. The alias D is used to specify the STAR server.
proc sql; connect to ingres as ing1 (database='txtnode::textiledb/d'); execute (create view whotookorders as select ordernum, takenby, firstname, lastname, phone from orders, employees where orders.takenby=employees.empid) by ing1; execute (grant select on whotookorders to adeleke) by ing1; disconnect from ing1; quit;
The following example connects to the TEXTILEDB database and performs a query, shown in italics, on the CUSTOMERS table:
proc sql; connect to ingres (database=textiledb); select * from connection to ingres (select * from customers where customer like '1%'); disconnect from ingres; quit;
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