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Renames DBMS columns

Optional statement
Applies to: New database



RENAME variable-identifier= name
<...variable-identifier-n= name-n>


The RENAME statement specifies you want to change the names of the SYSTEM 2000 items associated with the listed SAS variables. The new component names go into the access descriptor and the view descriptor that are created for the new database.

The variable-identifier can be either the SAS variable name or the positional equivalent in the LIST output, which is the number that represents the variable's place in the data file. For example, if you want to rename the item associated with the third SAS variable, issue the following statement:

  rename 3='employee name';  

The name must be a valid SYSTEM 2000 component name. If the item name includes embedded blanks or invalid SAS name characters, such as the pound sign (#) or hyphen (-), you must enclose the item name in single quotes.

The RENAME statement enables you to include variables you have previously deleted. For example, if you first issued the statement DELETE 3, then issuing RENAME 3=XYZ includes the third variable and assigns it the name XYZ and the default item type.

If you do not use the RENAME statement, all SYSTEM 2000 item names default to the corresponding SAS names or to the SAS labels if you specified the LABEL statement. You can list as many variables as you want in one RENAME statement. The RENAME statement overrides the LABEL statement for the items that are renamed.

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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.