Terms of Reference

  1. The award will be given to an individual(s) for their outstanding philanthropy and their distinguished contributions to SFU and the public good within the community.
  2. "Distinguished community leadership" will be characterized by qualities such as: 
    1. the expression and execution of high purpose and dedication to SFU and the community at large
    2. generously giving of time, talent and treasure
    3. impact in the community which authority alone would not explain
    4. innovative approaches to community concerns and aspirations
    5. persistent efforts to improve the public good, and people’s quality of life
    6. contribution to the creation of a strong sense of community and love of humanity
  3. Nominations will be sought by the President.
  4. Nominations will be sought each year but in any particular year an award need not necessarily be given.
  5. The award will be presented at an annual event.
  6. Posthumous awards will not be granted.
  7. The purpose of the award is: 
    1. to recognize philanthropic dedication to SFU and the wider community, and the importance of community leadership
    2. to honour those who have demonstrated community leadership
    3. to bring attention to Simon Fraser University’s donor community and the impact they are making
  8. When the nominee agrees to receive a President’s Distinguished Community Leadership Award, they will receive a copy of their nomination package to review, with the nominator details redacted, to ensure the submission is accurate and that it does not contain any material misrepresentations. The intended recipient will be asked to indicate in writing that the nomination is accurate and that there is no additional information that the university should be aware of in its consideration of the award. 
  9. If material misrepresentations are found or the intended recipient shares additional information that should have been considered by the President, it will be shared with the DCLA committee to determine if the misrepresentation or additional information is related to the reasons the award was granted, and if so, the President will recommend that the award should be withdrawn.

President’s Distinguished Community Leadership Award Selection Committee

  1. The Committee will be comprised of select Award recipients from the past three years, SFU’s President, the Vice President, Advancement and Alumni Engagement, and other members of the SFU community as determined appropriate by the President.
  2. Notice for nominations will be sought annually. Each nomination must be accompanied by a nomination statement as to why the individual is being nominated and an optional biography. The nominators will remain anonymous.
  3. The nominating committee shall meet to determine recipient(s).
  4. The nominees not selected for the Award in the current year will, at the discretion of the committee, be carried forward as nominees for the following year.

Revoking a President's Distinguished Community Leadership Award 

A written request, with supporting reasons, to consider the revocation of a President’s Distinguished Community Leadership Award (DCLA) may be made by any person to the Vice President, Advancement & Alumni Engagement’s (VPAAE) Office.

The VPAAE’s Office will consider any such request received, and determine if, based on the DCLA Terms of Reference OR in the opinion of the President, circumstances respecting the honoree contradict the mission, ethics and/or values of the University or bring its reputation into disrepute, there are grounds to proceed with considering the request. If there are insufficient grounds, the VPAAE’s Office will send a reply to the person who made the request indicating the request has been considered and is not being pursued. If the VPAAE’s Office determines there are reasonable grounds to consider the request for the revocation of a DCLA, the request will be forwarded to the President for review and discussion with the VPAAE.

The VPAAE’s Office will send, by registered letter (or equivalent), a written notice advising the recipient of the basis of the allegations; the relevant information that has been received; and that revocation is under consideration. Within the time prescribed in the notice, the recipient may:

  • make written representations respecting the matter under consideration or any allegation of fact set out in the notice,
  • request the process be halted by voluntarily returning their DCLA, and relinquishing all rights and privileges associated with their award.

All deliberations of the President’s Office and VPAAE committee must be kept strictly confidential, and any recommendations arising from such deliberations must be treated confidentially by the body or persons in receipt of such recommendations. The President will make the final decision after discussions with the VPAAE, consideration of the recipient’s written representations (if any), and will notify the DCLA committee and the recipient.

If the decision is made to revoke the award the recipient’s name will be removed from the SFU Website.