Close up of student using computer

Research Methods & Analysis

Close up of student using computer

Research Methods & Analysis

Close up of student using computer

Research Methods & Analysis

The Research Methods & Analysis track focuses on cultivating the analytical, conceptual and data analysis skills necessary for making sense of policy issues and public opinion.

In an increasingly data-driven society, graduates with high-end analytical and software skills are in demand. This track has two components that fit with SFU's strategic research clusters: Big Data and Community-Engaged Research.

Recommended Courses:

Lower Division Courses:

  • POL 100, POL 200, POL 201, POL 210

Upper Division (300-level) Courses:

  • POL 311, POL 312, POL 314Q, POL 315Q, POL 318

Upper Division (400-level) Courses:

  • POL 426WQ, POL 434WQ, POL 490, POL 497, POL 499

Potential careers:

  • Academia
  • Data Analysis 
  • Opinion Polling
  • Data Journalism
  • Consulting
