Radoslav Dimitrov

Political Science

Areas of interest

Research and Supervision Fields:


-Diplomacy and International Negotiations
-Climate Change Negotiations
-Persuasion and Policymaking
-Global Governance and International Institutions

Teaching Streams:

-International Relations
-Diplomacy and Negotiations
-Global Climate Change Politics
-Global Governance and Institutions
-Global Environmental Politics


  • BA, Graceland College
  • MA, University of Notre Dame
  • PhD, University of Minnesota


My academic expertise is on climate change negotiations, UN diplomacy, international institutions and global environmental politics. I participated in UN conferences for 20 years, represented the European Union in international climate change negotiations, and helped negotiate the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The body of my work documents the history of climate negotiations from behind closed doors and explores the politics of policymaking.

Based on participatory observation of international diplomacy, I introduced two concepts to global governance scholarship: empty institutions and non-regimes. The theoretical aspects of my research pertain to the role of institutions, effective negotiating strategies, argumentation and persuasion, and science and environmental policy.

Selected Publications

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, “Empty Institutions in Global Environmental Politics,” International Studies Review, vol. 22, no. 3 (September 2020), pp. 626-650. Advance online version

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, “The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Behind Closed Doors,” Global Environmental Politics vol. 16, no. 3 (August 2016), pp. 1-10.

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, Jon Hovi, Detlef Sprinz, Håkon Sælen and Arild Underdal, “Institutional and Environmental Effectiveness: Will the Paris Agreement Work?” WIREs Climate Change 583 (27 February 2019). Available online.

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, “Inside UN Climate Change Negotiations,” Review of Policy Research vol. 27, no. 6 (November 2010), pp. 795-821.

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, “Inside Copenhagen: The State of Climate Governance,” Global Environmental Politics vol. 10, no. 1 (March 2010), pp. 18-24.

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, Detlef Sprint, Gerald DiGiusto and Alexander Kelle, “International Nonregimes: A Research Agenda.” International Studies Review vol. 9, no. 2 (summer 2007), pp. 230-258.

Book: Radoslav S. Dimitrov, Science and International Environmental Policy: Regimes and Non-Regimes in Global Governance (Rowman and Littlefield 2006).

Radoslav S. Dimitrov, “Hostage to Norms: States, Institutions and Global Forest Politics,” Global Environmental Politics vol. 5, no. 4 (November 2005), pp. 1-24.