Edana Beauvais

Associate Professor
Political Science

Areas of interest

Research and Supervision Fields:


-Political Communication
-Deliberative Democracy
-Racial, Ethnic, and Settler-Colonial Politics
-Gender and Politics
-Political Behaviour

Teaching Streams:

-Research Methods and Analysis
-Diversity and Migration
-Public Policy and Democratic Governance


  • BA (honours) University of Toronto
  • MA, University of British Columbia
  • PhD, University of British Columbia


I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University. Before joining SFU, I held a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at Duke University, a Visiting Democracy Fellowship at the Ash Center, Harvard University, and a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, McGill University.

I am interested in the way inequalities shape communication and action, producing unequal political influence between different social group members. Substantively, my research falls into three categories: the study of political communication, deliberation and democratic innovation; gender and politics; and racial, ethnic and settler-colonial politics. I am also increasingly interested in the ways that changing technologies and digital forms of communication are creating new inequalities in communicative influence and what this means for collective decision-making and democratic legitimacy. Methodologically, I am interested in quantitative methods, particularly advances in machine learning, scaling, and dimensional analysis. I am also interested in experimental design. At SFU, my teaching will contribute to both the Department of Political Science and the new minor in Social Data Analytics.


2024. La question r´ecurrente de la participation civique et de ses effets pernicieux sur les principes de justice” (The Ongoing Question of Civic Participation That Perversely Promotes Harms of Injustice. In press. Lien social et Politiques. (with M. Mattes).

2024. Group-based Affect and the Canadian Party System. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 1-18 (with S. Lachance).

2023. Women’s Political Underrepresentation in PostSoviet Democracies. Political Science Research & Methods, 11(4), 804-822 (with A. Erlich).

2022. The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Vote in a More Tolerant Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 55(2), 373-403 (With E. Guntermann).

2022. The Politics of White Identity and Settlers’ Indigenous Resentment in Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 55(1), 59-83 (with D. Stolle).

2021. Measuring Anti-Indigenous Attitudes: The Indigenous Resentment Scale. Race and Social Problems, 13, 306–319.

2020. “The Political Consequences of Indigenous Resentment.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Politics, available online. DOI:

2020. “Deliberation and Non-Deliberative Communication.” Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 16(1), 4-13.

2019. “Discursive Inequity and the Internal Exclusion of Women Speakers.” Political Research Quarterly, available online, 1-14.

2019. “The Gender Gap in Political Discussion Group Attendance.” Politics and Gender, 16(2), 1-24.

2018. “What Can Deliberative Minipublics Contribute to Democratic Systems?” European Journal of Political Research, 58 (3), 893-914 (with Mark Warren).

2018. “Deliberation and Equality.” Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, U.K, 144-155.

2018. “The Grandview-Woodland Citizens’ Assembly: An Experiment in Municipal Planning.” Canadian Public Administration, 61(3), 341-360.

2017. “The Role of Social Group Membership on Classroom Participation.” PS: Political Science and Politics, 50 (2), 57-72 (with Şule Yaylaçi).

2016. “Taking the Goals of Deliberation Seriously: A Differentiated View on Equality and Equity in Deliberative Designs and Processes.” Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 12 (2), 1-18 (with André Bächtiger).

2015. “Political Communication and the Political Use of Language.” Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, Special Issue: The Informed Citizens Guide to Elections: Electioneering Based on the Rule of Law, 221-244.


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