British Columbia Priorities Project

The British Columbia Priorities project (BCP) is an educational and research collaboration between the School of Public Policy and provincial and municipal government and non-profit sector partners which began in 2010. Through the BCP students undertake real world policy projects for and with external agencies. A key goal of the BCP is to enhance student learning outcomes through practical opportunities to work directly on issues of concern to government departments and community organizations. 

Students work as small teams to develop research plans and timelines, consult with their BCP partner, conduct research and formulate recommendations that address the policy problem being investigated. At the end of the project, students deliver a written report and presentation to share their findings and recommendations with their policy partner. There is no cost to BCP partners participating in the project. Below we provide an information sheet for organizations interested to become partners, as well as indicative lists of recent partners and projects.

Information sheet for interested organizations

Recent Partner Organizations