A Day in the Life of a Longhauler

What is this project about?
Despite 3.5 million Canadians experiencing Long COVID symptoms, there continues to be a lack of acknowledgment and awareness of Long COVID.

This project asks longhaulers to share photos of their daily life with the public to:

  • Make this illness visible
  • Reduce stigma and shame
  • Advocate for support

Who is supporting this project?
We’re an interdisciplinary team, including a patient and community advocate, social justice, and health researchers at the Pacific Institute on Pathogens, Pandemics and Society (PIPPS) at Simon Fraser University (SFU).

This project emerged from conversations with Long COVID patients, carers, and healthcare workers, who identified greater awareness and education of Long COVID as a priority. To read more about us and our work, you can check out our article: 'People with long COVID continue to experience medical gaslighting more than 3 years into the pandemic' in The Conversation Canada.

Where will these photos be exhibited?
The team will curate a virtual exhibition housed at SFU and launch the project at a Long COVID public event with Pulitzer-prize winning science journalist Ed Yong as part of SFU's President’s Dream Colloquium in One Health on April 4 at 7 pm.

Our team is also working to create a travelling physical exhibit and will inform you once we have finalized a schedule with community partners.

Please submit your photos here:

Main project page