3A70.23 Synchronizing Metronomes


Coupled oscillations


Running metronomes at the same nominal frequency without coupling (i.e. on a heavy table that won't oscillate) shows that the frequencies are not quite all the same. Coupling the metronomes with a small wooden plank on soda cans is enough to synchronize them.



  • [4] Pendulum-style metronome
  • [1] Wood plank
  • [2] Empty soda can

Classroom Assembly

  1. For each metronome: open the cover, screw in the winding knob, set the frequency to 208 beats per minute, and wind up the metronome.
  2. Put the plank on a sturdy table.
  3. Put the metronomes on the plank.


  1. Start the metronomes roughly in-phase.
  2. Put the plank and metronomes on the two soda cans.
  3. Wait for the metronomes to sync up.
  4. Put the plank and metronomes back on the table.
  5. Wait for the metronomes to de-sync.


Additional Resources


  • PIRA 3A70.23


  • Don't attempt this at home!

Last revised

  • 2023


  • Original construction: purchased. These are Wittner-brand Taktell Piccolo metronomes.

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Related demos


If you have any questions about the demos or notes you would like to add to this page, contact Ricky Chu at ricky_chu AT sfu DOT ca.